
Greetings Friends,
I pray that this finds you rejoicing in the Lord and what He is doing in and through your life. God has reminded me again that whether in times of things working as I hope for or in times of challenges my joy is to be in Him. What a great privilege we are afforded as His children to have a personal relationship with the One True Living God. He brings joy deep within no matter the circumstances outside. One of the blessings He gives is each of you and how we share in all things together.
You have been faithfully praying, giving and supporting my ministry here in Knox County for almost 6 years. I want to invite you to pray about joining one of our ‘Partners Knoxville Tour’ this October. There will be 2 tours offered this fall (Oct 1-5 or Oct 4-7). Each tour will have a limit of 10 persons with no one church/organization having more than 2 representatives. The purpose of this trip is to give you some first-hand experiences and insights to the work, places, people you have been praying for in my ministry. It will also give us some time to fellowship together.
A very exciting part of either tour will be to participate in our Annual Meeting on the evening of Oct 4. This evening will be focused on celebrating what God is doing and looking forward to what/where He is leading us to be involved in the future. You will have the opportunity to meet leaders of the association and our churches. And we will have some good food!
A document with the ‘Overview Schedule’ and ‘Logistical Notes’ is attached to this newsletter. Please pre-register by September 20.
ELL CLASSES FOR HISPANICS – It is time for our English Language Learners (ELL) classes to begin. Aug 3, Wednesday, we will have our Orientation and Planning time with all working in our program this year. I have several new teachers/assistant teachers and could use a few more. PRAY for this time to bring unity and preparation for a good year. PRAY for God to be working in the hearts of those who are to come and be students. May He work out details with their work, family, transportation and time in order to be there. Our first class is Wednesday, Aug 10.
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS – Knox County Association of Baptists is working together with Knoxville International Network to begin a new initiative to connect international students with families in our churches for being a host family for this next year. PRAY as we try to start this new program in the next few weeks.
BRIDGE REFUGEES – PRAY for the continued search for a new director for this resettlement agency. PRAY that the person selected will have a heart for the Lord and be friendly toward churches working with them to care for refugee families.
PEOPLE GROUP NETWORKS – PRAY for wisdom as I seek to start/restart over the next few months our people group networks around our 10 Priority PGs of ENGAGE 10/10. This to bring churches with an interest in the work among a focus group together to reach that group in our area.
PRAYERS FOR FRIENDS – We all have friends and family who need special prayers. I ask that you pray for my friends listed below and that you will send me a note with the prayer needs you might have.
Mr. Bruce and his wife have prayed fervently for me many years. She passed a few years ago. He was 90 last Wed. He is having multiple health issues and ended up in the hospital. PRAY for his recovery and his children who are caring for him.
Katie is half way thru her chemo treatment. She had a Pet Scan on the 29th. PRAY as she continues the treatments that the after effects will not be bad, the meds will do what they need to do but nothing else, and for her family as they walk thru this journey with her.
Whitney continues to do well. PRAY that things remain in remission. Her oldest daughter is getting married Aug 27. PRAY that she has energy, strength and can enjoy all the pre-wedding activities and the wedding for this special time in their family.

FUNDING – PRAY as it is the beginning of the time to start meeting with churches and individuals about support for next year. ASK for God’s leading as to who to speak with and that their hearts would be in tune as well with what God is saying.
GIVING – if you would like to make a gift toward salary or ministry needs, please see the info below. Your financial support allows me to continue to be On Mission in Knoxville. THANK YOU!! Financial gifts for support of salary or ministry budget may be sent through one of the following ways.
On website at https://www.kcab.org/
Knox County Association of Baptists
For Nations & Neighbors
P. O. Box 11028
Knoxville, TN 37939