
Wisdom is finding out what you should do and doing it.

Memory Verse: “Choose my teaching instead of silver. Choose knowledge rather than fine gold.” Proverbs 8:10, NIrV
Week 1 
We will look at 1 Kings 3:4-15 and discover one of the wisest men who ever lived—Solomon. As Solomon got ready to take on the weight of leading a nation, he had an incredible dream. God came to him and asked: “What is it that I can give you, if I could give you anything, what is it that you would choose?” And Solomon picked wisdom.
Bottom Line: If you want to be wise, ask God for wisdom.
Week 2 
We will look at what happens when you listen to foolish people and take their advice. In 1 Kings 12:1-15, we’ll see what happened with one of Solomon’s sons, named Rehoboam. He was a young man who, once he got the advice of his elders, disregarded and ignored the advice and listened to his peers and friends—the consequences were devastating.
Bottom Line: If you want to be wise, hang out with wise people.
Week 3 
We will look at Proverbs 12:18 where Solomon wrote, “The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” Words can be powerful. With a word, we can cut people down or we can encourage them.
Bottom Line: If you want to be wise, think before you speak.
Week 4 
We will look at Proverbs 22:3. “Wise people see danger and go to a safe place. But childish people keep going and suffer for it.” We don’t want children to simply think about what’s right and wrong; rather, we want them to understand what is wise. And wisdom is connected to the words given to them by a loving God, who has their best interest in mind.
Bottom Line: If you want to be wise, look before you leap.