Church Response To Ongoing Health Concerns

Dear Church Family, On behalf of the leadership of the church, I want to update you on the current measures being undertaken by our church in response to the continued concern for the rapidly evolving COVID-19 situation and its potential effect on our community. We have been in consultation with state and federal officials, as […]

Pastor’s Community Health Message

Dear Church Family,

As you are likely aware, there is great concern around the world with regard to the spread of the coronavirus (Covid-19). Without a doubt, each one of us has already indirectly experienced the impact of this virus in one way or another through the financial markets, supply chain disruption, and increased level of fear and uncertainty. And now that a case has been found in the Atlanta area, there will be an even greater heightened level of concern.

Over the past few days, the church leadership team has been discussing protocol and our response to ensure your health and safety. Needless to say, we are thankful for the quick response of local and national health officials who are working to monitor and contain the outbreak. Likewise, we will continue to monitor the situation as it might impact our church and make necessary changes as needed. With this in mind, here is our encouragement for you.

Pray: We would ask that you join us as we pray and seek God’s hand of protection on those directly impacted and for those who are working to curtail the spread of the virus. We understand, that for a season, each new day will likely bring new cases – yet we believe prayer is a better alternative than panic. So, while you watch the news for information, let’s all remember to keep it in perspective that God is still in control. Make prayer a priority during these days. Pray specifically for those on the front line of the fight to control this outbreak, such as health officials, doctors and nurses treating patients, and for task forces assigned the responsibility to coordinate any response to spread of the virus.

Hand Washing: The number one suggestion from the health department, CDC, and other agencies involved is to wash your hands using soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap is not available, use hand sanitizer. Washing your hands frequently and avoid touching your mouth and nose are good hygiene practices for smart health.

You will find bottles of hand sanitizer at different locations throughout the building. Additionally, we are purchasing hand sanitizer stations to be placed at all door entries.

Stay Home if Sick: One of the best ways to curtail the spread of any flu or virus is to stay home, rest, and get well. As much as we want to see you at church, if you are sick, it is better to stay home. If you stay home on Sunday mornings, you can watch our services on-line live. Follow the link to log onto the streaming of the service –

Church Cleaning: The building is cleaned on a regular basis using a high-level hospital standard cleaning solution. In addition, we will be working with the cleaning company to ensure a heightened surface cleaning takes place. The guest service team on Sunday mornings will periodically wipe down heavy use surfaces such as door knobs and elevator buttons as a precaution.

Updates: If there are changes or necessary updates to share, we will post these updates on the church website and send out a message via email. We will also post any helpful links as they become available to provide you with more detailed information about coronavirus. Follow the link or go to You can also find up-to-date, accurate, trustworthy information at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.

Thank you for your concern for our church and community, and for your faithfulness to trust in the Lord for His guidance and care. In times of great concern, we have an even greater responsibility to direct people to the mercy, grace, and love of God.

God is great,
Pastor Joey

El Shaddai
All through the Bible God has shown us that He is El Shaddai, God Almighty and that He can be trusted! As El Shaddai, He told us, “I have all power, nothing is too hard for me.” Then, He proved it over and over again in many different ways, like flooding the earth with water and drying it up again, sending a big fish to save a man, using a boy’s lunch to feed thousands, quieting a raging storm, opening the eyes of the blind, and bringing the dead back to life!
There is no god like our Elohim, our Strong Creator, Jehovah Yahweh,I Am, and  El Shaddai, God Almighty our one true God who can do all things!
Theresa Dickens
Children’s Elementary Minister

Real Life Center – Dec 2019

Click here to view this month’s newsletter.

Campus Crusade for Christ – Jan 2020

Click here for the latest update.

Unleashed: As You Go – Pray

“When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” Luke 19:5
Zacchaeus lived the good life. He had the best things money could buy, lived in one of the biggest houses in town, had political influence, and set his own standard of righteousness. Paul David Tripp says it well; “Here’s the danger for me and for you: sin doesn’t always look sinful to us. It’s hard to admit, but sometimes sin actually looks beautiful to us.” Zacchaeus probably decided sin actually looked pretty nice. Except something was still missing!
That something was a someone. That someone was Jesus. Zacchaeus went out of his way to see Jesus. This dignified yet hated leader of the community did a most undignified thing: he climbed up a tree like some neighborhood kid. This was no small feat considering he was wearing a robe! Did he go out to see the latest buzz star in the country? Maybe, but I don’t think so. Jesus got to the tree, looked up and called him by name. Rock stars don’t stop and call you by name, but a Savior who cares about you, He calls you by name.
While others only saw Zacchaeus as a hated tax collector, Jesus saw his heart. When Jesus called him by name, “he came down at once and welcomed him gladly.” There was no hesitation by Zacchaeus to follow Jesus. There was no hesitation by Zacchaeus to give up everything for the sake of the gospel. There was no hesitation by Zacchaeus to right the wrongs he had done.
Forgiveness is a wonderful thing, but we need more. God not only forgives, but he also gets inside of us by His Spirit. The Spirit that now lives inside us is a warrior Spirit, who by grace does battle with my sin even in moments when I don’t care too.
Jesus looked into the eyes of Zacchaeus and spoke these words of life to him. “Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”
Never again did Zacchaeus have to climb a tree to see his Savior. Never again did Zacchaeus live as the outcast in his community. Never again did Zacchaeus see sin as beautiful. Zacchaeus said “yes” to an invitation that would forever change his life. For those who have said “yes” to Jesus’ invitation, life has been changed forever.
Today officially begins our church’s focus on “A Forty Day Journey.” This is a  journey both inward and outward as we seek God’s insight and renewal in our lives. We will read the same scripture passages daily but each of us will receive something different from the passage for our lives. I hope we don’t see the Forty Day Devotions as a program but, rather, as a journey with each other. Spend time soaking in the scripture passage and letting it be a time spent in hearing from God and praying out of the verse(s).
“Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let Your glory be over all the earth.” Psalm 108:5

God Is Great

Pastor Lynn Burton