
Day 7



Acts 6.1-15

As people who belong to God, we are all God’s servants. There is no difference in our rank as we give our service in the Lord’s kingdom. When we read about how the Lord’s followers worked in the Early Church, it is clear that they did not consider one position higher than another. Whether it’s an apostle teaching the Word, a man waiting on tables, or a woman praying, God does not bless us based on our rank. The true mark of a believer’s position is his or her faithfulness in serving God. The men chosen to wait on tables, a seemingly menial and meaningless task, were all people who were filled with the Holy Spirit. It should be a liberating concept to know that whatever you do to help build God’s kingdom, counts. Do it always with a servant’s heart and God will honor your efforts.


Whatever your position in life may be, are you asking the Holy Spirit to fill you?


Heavenly Father, help me to stay devoted to you in prayer and by reading your Word. Give me understanding so that I may follow you in all that I do.



Day 6



Acts 5.1-42

This chapter of the book of Acts clearly displays the awesome power of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Church. In this narrative of Ananias and Sapphira, we see that the Holy Spirit’s power is far greater than that of Satan’s. Satan’s tactics are divisive and contradictory to the Word of God. By tempting the husband and wife to lie and cheat, Satan sowed seeds of corruption in the Church. But, the Holy Spirit, who knows all things and knows our hearts, permanently removes Satan’s instruments, Ananias and Sapphira, from the Church.

While this judgment may seem cruel, it is meant as a warning and a learning experience to the Early Church. The death of these two had an impact on the others. “The church members were afraid, and so was everyone else who heard what had happened” (v 11). We see that when something is held back from God, he is grieved. God did not need Ananias and Sapphira’s funds; he wanted their undivided, sincere faith in God’s providence. As a Father, the Lord wants his children to completely rely on him, so that we are not tempted to hold anything back from him.


What are you holding back from God? Is it money, like Ananias or Sapphira? Are you lying, cheating, or gossiping to get ahead? The Lord yearns for his children to have complete trust in him. God wants our faith to be undivided and sincere. Is your faith resting completely in the Lord’s providential power?


Lord, speak to me through your Word. Reveal to me the idols and sins that may be hindering my walk with you.



Day 5



Acts 4.1-37

At this point in time, many miracles and unbelievable things were taking place. It was all being done in the name of Jesus, through the preaching of the apostles. The religious teachers of the Law and some rulers were not happy because these miracles were bringing people to Jesus. They were angry and refused to believe even though the signs and wonders could not be denied. They chose to forbid the gospel of Jesus from being shared in Jerusalem, but because Peter and John were bold, that did nothing to stop them. In fact, when the two were arrested and later set free, they and the rest of the Lord’s followers met to pray. They asked God to give them courage to face all their haters, and to continue to show God’s power through miracles and healings as they called on the name of Jesus. As soon as they finished praying, the whole house began to shake, and everyone was filled with the Holy Spirit.

Words cannot describe how God feels when we are not ashamed to acknowledge God’s power before unbelievers and follow him in all circumstances. When we become bold believers, we will tell the world of God’s love that is available to all people.


Is it hard for you to share the message of Jesus with your friends and family? Do you feel like you are missing out on living life to the fullest when you maintain a godly lifestyle? In what areas of your life do you lack courage?


God, help us to be bold and unashamed of the message of salvation.



Day 4



Acts 3.1-26

While Peter and John were making their way to the temple to get their church on, a lame man, sitting in front of the gate, begs them money. The two men tell him to look at them, and the lame guy thinks he’s getting money. But then, Peter tells the guy that he doesn’t have any money but he has power to heal in the name of Jesus! Peter orders him to start walking and the guy stand up and starts leaping for joy. He then goes and gets his church on with Peter and John. People who witness the miracle are amazed. Others who missed the actual event sees the man walking, jumping, and praising God in the temple. The people are blown away. Peter tells the people, “You see this man, and you know him. He put his faith in the name of Jesus and was made strong. Faith in Jesus made this man completely well while everyone was watching” (v 16).

Throughout the Gospels, we see healings and miracles that take place when believers call on the name of Jesus. But, we can also use Jesus’ name to declare things over our own lives. When Jesus took our place on the cross, he gave us access to power beyond our finite imagination. We, too, have the same power and authority that Peter and John had. It’s by God’s grace and mercy that we can use this beautiful and almighty name of Jesus that breaks every chain of sin. When we use it, it shows we are dependent on Jesus!


Do you believe there is power in the name of Jesus? Think of instances where you have seen or experienced the healing power of the name of Jesus. Praise God for them.


Lord Jesus, thank you for the power that your name carries.

As You Go – Pray 5/04/20

Unleashed – As You Go – Pray

“My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.”  Psalm 63:8

“If you want to get warm you must stand near the fire; if you want to be wet you must get into the water. If you want joy, power, peace, eternal life, you must get close to, or even into, the thing that has them. They are not a sort of prize which God could, if He chose, just hand out to anyone. They are a great fountain of energy and beauty spurting up at the very centre of reality. If you are close to it, the spray will wet you; if you are not, you will remain dry. Once a man is united to God, how could he not live forever? Once a man is separated from God, what can he do but wither and die?” C.S. Lewis

Sitting with David in Psalm 63 this week, I couldn’t help but marvel at the determination, worship and contentment as I read this Psalm. David composed this beautiful and powerful Psalm “when he was in the Wilderness of Judah.” Today, we seemingly find ourselves in a wilderness. Our wilderness is not of our making nor of our choice. Today we are facing challenges and problems we never imagined a few months ago as we “shelter in place” from an unseen enemy. What Psalm will we write in our wilderness?

David’s determination in this Psalm is expressed so powerfully as he writes, “O God, you are my God, I seek you,”.  You will not find an ounce of passivity in David because he is fully focused and determined to find God. I hope you are emotionally and spiritually encouraged and that your only desire is to be for God and you can say “my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.”

We have all found ourselves thirsty but few where our flesh faints as in a dry and weary land. Hiking the majestic and beautiful Drakensberg Mountains of South Africa years ago I understood this imagery in a real way.  Our water had run out during the hike and there was no water in this “dry and weary land”. No longer did my backpack feel so heavy, no longer did I focus on my tired body, no longer did I see the unbelievable beauty of the mountain range. No, my every thought became, “I need water.

David still finds himself in his wilderness but his wilderness has been turned into a sanctuary.  He didn’t sit and mourn but actively sought God until he could say, “So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary, beholding your power and glory.” David may still be “sheltered in place” in his wilderness but the sound of praise and adoration comes from him as he lifts up his hands and calls on the name of God singing “because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you.”

Wilderness life can be hard as I found out that afternoon struggling off the trail, tired and weary. Never had a bedroll and bottle of water been such a marvelous gift. David found contentment and hope in his wilderness and was able to write “my soul is satisfied as with a rich feast, and my mouth praises you with joyful lips when I think of you on my bed, and meditate on you in the watches of the night; for you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I sing for joy.”

David understood he could mourn and complain because he was in a wilderness, or he could praise God. He chose to seek God and worship. We didn’t choose to be in our “wilderness,” but we can choose our reactions and actions. We can mourn or rejoice.  We can weep over what we have lost or seek God as one whose “soul thirsts.” In our seeking God, we can rejoice and shout, “for you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I sing for joy.”

God is great,

Pastor Lynn Burton



Day 3



Acts 2.1-47

On the day of Pentecost, the room was filled with the presence of God. Just as Jesus had promised, the Holy Spirit came on Jesus’ followers like a bolt of fire. When it fell on each person, they began speaking different languages. Imagine that! A bunch of believers from different nations who had gathered in Jerusalem to seek God’s face, were surprised to hear these followers speaking languages they did not know. Soon a crowd gathered around and they mocked the people who were praying and speaking these new languages because they looked drunk and weird. But Peter, who not too long before had acted grimy by denying he knew Jesus, was now the front man for the group. He explained that the people were not weird or drunk. What the crowd was seeing, up close and personal, was really a prophecy, told by the prophet Joel, coming true. God had promised to send his Spirit to his people and it was happening, just as God had said!

Many times you will be mocked by the world for following Jesus, but don’t worry about it because Jesus himself was mocked, yet he overcame everything evil in the world.


Are you willing to be a leader for God and not a follower after the things the world offers? Do you find your worth in what others think or say about you?


God, thank you that I am the head and not the tail, I am above and not beneath. I’ve been called to lead others to you, and I am honored.



Day 2



Acts 1.1-26

After Jesus’ resurrection, his followers seemed anxious about the future. But Jesus promised them it would be alright. Before he ascended to heaven, Jesus told them that the Father would give them the Holy Spirit as a helper. It is the Holy Spirit that guides and directs our lives. We just need to stop worrying and trust in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Sometimes, there are things that we want too quickly. We have dreams and goals and in our haste we tell God “I want it now!” It seems we forget that God has chosen us and that he will use our gifts and talents for his glory, in his own time. As the story of the book of Acts opens, Jesus’ followers learn that God is above us, around us, and in us. He never leaves us or forsakes us. That’s great news—we can chill, God is in control!


Sometimes life can get overwhelming and hard to manage, but our best friend, Jesus, tells us to lean on him. Are you willing to break old habits? Are you willing to replace them with new ones that honor God? The angels told Jesus’ followers that Jesus will come back again. Think about it. How does it make you feel?


Lord, help me to depend on you and be confident that you always keep your promises.

As You Go – Pray 4/27/20

Unleashed – As You Go – Pray


Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep. See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered, so that he can open the scroll and its seven seals.” Revelation 5:5


Things go bump in the night!  There is nothing more startling and fearful than things that go bump in the night. When you awaken out of a deep sleep at night, somehow sounds are intensified. There are sounds that strike the emotions, touch the deepest level of your soul and strike different chords of emotions and reactions. The sound of breaking glass alerts us to the danger of an intruder, creating fear. The mournful cry of the baby at three in the morning stirs our caring but bone-weary body out of bed. The ear penetrating tornado siren moves us into action for safety. The singing birds welcome the dawning of a new day.

Certain sounds soothe us. Other sounds alert us. The sounds of the teacher motivate us. The sounds of a mother comfort us. However, some sounds can penetrate to the deepest level of our soul. Such is the sound of a lion’s roar in the middle of the night. This is a sound that is not just heard with the ears but felt throughout your body; a sound of power and majesty. One never forgets the power of that roar.

Don’t worry, they are not hungry” was the supposedly reassuring message of our driver in the middle of a game park in Kenya as Connie, our three children, and I found ourselves sitting in the back of a broken down, open top Land Rover in the middle of a pride of lions.  One is not greatly comforted by the words, “they are not hungry” when looking into the eyes of these majestic animals, even if they were really not hungry.

Scripture is rich in portraying the lion both as good and evil as well as a symbol of power, majesty and beauty. David in Psalm 22:13 describes his enemies, “they open wide their mouths at me, like a ravening and roaring lion.” Proverbs 20:2 says  the king’s anger is “like the growling of a lion; anyone who provokes him to anger forfeits life itself.”  The nation that God uses In Isaiah 5 to bring judgment on his people is described thusly: “their roaring is like a lion, like young lions they roar; they growl and seize their prey, they carry it off, and no one can rescue.

The writer of Proverbs captures the lion as the first in the list who is stately in his stride for “the lion is mightiest among wild animals and does not turn back before any,” and Proverbs 28 tells us that “The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion.

C.S. Lewis captured the imagery, beauty and yet fear invoking power of Aslan, the beloved lion in The Chronicles of Narnia. “Hush!” said the other four, for now Aslan had stopped and turned and stood facing them., looking so majestic that they felt as glad as anyone can who feels afraid, and as afraid as anyone can who feels glad.

Jesus the lion is mighty, powerful and conqueror. Jesus the lamb was sacrificed to give life. The Lion and the Lamb, both joined together in John’s Revelation, for the Lion of Judah has conquered, “so he can open the scroll and its seven seals.” The Lamb can now take the scroll and out of the prayers of the saints, they sing a new song:

You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slaughtered and by your blood you ransomed for God saints from every tribe and language and people and nation; you have made them to be a kingdom and priests serving our God, and they will reign on earth.

It is not the isolation, fear and anxiety of the Corona virus pandemic, nor any other crisis that defines us, but the community, boldness, and peace that comes from the lion who roared deep within our souls as Savior and Conqueror.  “Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea, and all that is in them, singing, “To the one seated on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever!” (Revelation 5:13)


God is great,

Pastor Lynn Burton



Day 1



Acts 1.1—2.47 

The book of Acts tells of the dramatic accounts of what the apostles and the Early Church accomplished and endured, and it literally takes one’s breath away. The birth pains are harsh, but the joy that comes from the work of the Holy Spirit makes them worthwhile. There are conflicts within the Church, and outside of it. There are issues of prejudice and race; miraculous healings and martyrdom, riots and revivals, but all in all, God’s message finds its way into the hearts and lives of God’s people. 

The writers of these Journeys did so from the heart, pulling out from their very being what the Spirit was saying to them. Luke, the writer of the book of Acts, records Peter’s speech to those who stood in amazement when the Holy Spirit rested on those gathered in “one place” at the time of Pentecost. They wondered what in the world was going on, and Peter explained: “When the last days come, I will give my Sprit to everyone. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions…” (Acts 2.17). It is fitting then, that these youth should share the Word, in their own voice, as the Spirit of God gives them utterance. 


How are you encouraging those around you to share God’s Word?  Are you empowering them?  Do you know that every believer, no matter how old or young, has a story to share? 


Lord Jesus, your Word takes a place of honor in my life.  Fill me with your Holy Spirit. Let your power radiate in my life that I may, like the members of the Early Church, lead others to you, no matter what it costs. 

our sin and uses us despite it, our life is a witness to Jesus’ love and power.

Have you committed a sin you feel has made you useless to God? Are you willing to risk people’s opinion of you to find help when you need it?

As You Go – Pray 04/20/20

Unleashed – As You Go – Pray

A Lesson Taught Through a Bottle of Coke

Consider your own call, brothers and sisters: not many of you were wise by human standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, things that are not, to reduce to nothing things that are, so that no one might boast in the presence of God. He is the source of your life in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification and redemption, in order that, as it is written, “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 1:26-31

In our media driven, egocentric, loudest voice age, it is easy to lose sight of the fact that God doesn’t work the way his children often do. Stop and take some time to reflect on these verses from I Corinthians. We can be arrogant and spiteful, rude and condescending, and given to allowing the loudest voices to garner all the attention. The world’s way though looks very different from the quiet, unassuming way of God.

Visiting in a small house in Zimbabwe, I saw this truth displayed in real life.  Connie and I were invited into the humble home of a woman that Connie knew from her childhood. While not rich in worldly possessions, she had something much better. Lacking the political power to make a difference, she had something much better. Not possessing academic credentials, she had something much better. She knew the source of her life in Jesus Christ.

As relatively new missionaries we had been through multiple training programs with the IMB supposedly preparing us for the work. Though neither of us were from wealthy backgrounds, we had always had what we needed. Sitting in this precious lady’s living room, sharing stories and enjoying our time of fellowship; she asked if we would like a Coke to drink. Saying “Yes.“, without considering what a yes meant, we watched her send her young granddaughter to get us something to drink. We then waited and waited until, finally, the young girl came back into the living room with a bottle of Coke for each of us.

I found out later that this young woman had walked close to a mile to the nearest store in the village, bought the Cokes with the little extra money the older woman had and carried the drinks back to the house. African hospitality shared with these American friends was part of her culture but, more importantly, was a part of her faith walk . For me, it became a defining experience of selfless sacrifice out of one’s overflowing love for Jesus. Over the years I would be humbled by the unselfish hospitality I found in Africa because these believers found Jesus as the source of their lives.

John’s Gospel captured the essence of this truth as he shared the story in John 12 of Mary pouring out a bottle of costly perfume on Jesus’ feet, anointing Him in humble worship. Others saw this extravagant expression as a wasteful use of money.  Jesus took what they saw as foolish and irresponsible and blessed the act as a priceless sacrifice poured out in worship of God.

The nightly newscast will broadcast the words of politicians, capture the vanity of superstars and flout the accomplishments of the cultural elite as if they were powerful stories.  However, the real stories are taking place in situations not covered in the newscast. The real stories happen in homes where children are loved and told about Jesus, in hospital rooms where caring health workers tend the sick with the help of the Great Physician, on mission fields around the world where missionaries encourage the low and despised to walk steadily with God, and through countless other venues of life where the weak, the foolish, the lowly and despised of the world live “boasting in the Lord.

Lord, I want to think of you, know you, love you. Let your love grow in me until you have changed me completely and I live as Jesus did. Amen” (St Augustine of Hippo)

God is great,

Pastor Lynn Burton