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Believing is Seeing

You likely have heard the statement, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” What many people do not realize is this verse is in the Bible – Proverbs 28:19. Unfortunately, it is also a verse that often is secularized and misappropriated as we take it upon ourselves to conjure up a picture of our preferred future. Yet contextually, the word in the Hebrew translated “vision” is actually best translated – revelation. Meaning, without a word from God the people will wander purposelessly and perish.

As we launch into 2020, we do so with a desire to respond to the leading of the Lord upon our lives and our church community. Without a doubt, it is yet another step of faith in the life of our church seeking to obey the Lord and fulfill His call upon our lives. After 8 wonderful years of serving as your pastor, I am convinced the time has arrived for us to look deeper into our calling together for the next 7-8 years.

For over 2 years, I have been praying and studying the Scriptures asking God for clear direction for our church’s future. I have invested countless hours dialoguing with church leaders and staff listening for the Holy Spirit to speak into our collective hearts. The result of this seeking has been a combination of specific convictions coupled with a number of tangible projects. Convictions like –

Too whom much is given – much is required
We will only be as effective outside our walls as we are healthy within our walls
A church that shines farthest shines brightest nearest home
The church is always but one generation from extinction
Without faith it is impossible to please God and experience His will
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the revelation (rhema) of God

I believe the year 2020 provides us with the obvious nexus for our future as we seek to have 20/20 vision for God’s calling upon our church. It also encourages us to ensure that we are listening and responding to the leading of God as opposed to manufacturing and asking God to join us in our human pursuits to attempt to please Him. With this in mind, I want to invite you to join me on a 40-day journey of vision and faith beginning January 6, 2020. It will be a journey of continued seeking and discovery for each of us individually and collectively – desiring God and surrendering to His will for us. Asking God to continue to speak into our lives for the sake of His will.

On this journey, we will take the first 20 days to prepare ourselves for the second 20 days of discovering God’s will for our lives and our church. To assist us in this endeavor, we are asking our church family to worship, mediate on Scripture, pray, fast, and be present in church to listen as we look toward the future. As such, in the following pages, we have mapped a devotional journey and prayer time to unite our focus on seeking God with all of our mind, heart, soul, and strength.

I look forward to what God has in store for us as we walk together in search of His heart for us – knowing that He who began a good work in you will perfect unto the return of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6


Pastor Joey
