Unleashed: As You Go – Pray

Until the End

“The pivots on the thresholds shook at the voices of those who called, and the house filled with smoke.

Woe is me! I am lost, for I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips; yet my eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts!

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?”

And I said, “Here am I; send me!” Isaiah 6:4-5,8

“Send me” is the only response Isaiah can make. In this moment of complete surrender, Isaiah said he would go. In this moment of total worship, Isaiah knew he had to say yes. In this moment of overwhelming emotion of his own sinfulness, Isaiah said yes.

If you had been standing there, would you have said “Yes, send me”?

The call of God hasn’t changed over the generations. He still calls us to go into this world that needs Him. We may be called to the marketplace where we encounter the lost. For some of us the call is to the ends of the world, to other cultures and people groups. Granted, the call for most people will never be quite as dramatic as it was for Moses, David, Peter, Paul or Isaiah but the impact will still be Kingdom changing.

Sitting in the Regal Cinema watching the Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) documentary “Ends of the Earth,” I couldn’t help but think, God is still asking the same question, “Who will go?”  “It’s a mysterious part of the gospel that says God loves the people at the very edge of the world, the people who are marginalized. You know, even among Christians there’s is a kind of calculation about return on investment (ROI) and “bang for our buck.” You hear this with mission work too. But we can’t really approach this from an ROI perspective. The gospel is costly. Jesus comes and He gives His life so we can have life. And He’s the shepherd who goes after the one lost sheep.” David Holsten, Pres MAF

The gospel is costly in so many ways. It puts you in the crosshairs of our secular culture. The cost will require you to sacrifice time and energy. For some, such as MAF pilot, Joyce Lin, it was giving her life in a plane crash in Papua, Indonesia. Her yes to “send me” cost her life. In Haiti this week, 17 missionaries were kidnapped. Their yes to “send me” is a loss of freedom and possibly worse.

Your yes to “send me” will cost you. Will the cost be worth it?  Isaiah doesn’t ask what cost he will suffer, his only question is, “How long, O Lord?” God’s answer: forever. Isaiah doesn’t think, he simply says, “send me”. Frederick Buechner writes, “And that is what a prophet does for a living and, starting from the year that King Uzziah died, when he saw and heard all these things, Isaiah went and did it.”

A young coal miner from Iowa said “yes” to God’s call. George Bennard became an itinerant missionary and preacher. When he was interrupted and harassed in a service by those mocking the cross, it caused Bennard to think deeply about Christ and the Cross. As he meditated on the meaning of the cross, six initial words “I’ll cherish the old rugged cross” birthed the hymn, “The Old Rugged Cross.”

Our “yes” to “send me” will cost us something. Our “yes” to “send me” will look different from anyone else’s “yes.” Yet in the end, our “yes” will be worth it. The words from the final verse of Bennard’s hymn say it well:

“To the old rugged cross I will ever be true; its shame and reproach gladly bear;

Then He’ll call me some day to my home far away, where His glory forever I’ll share.

 So I’ll cherish the old rugged cross, till my trophies at last I lay down;

I will cling to the old rugged cross, and exchange it some day for a crown.”

Use me Lord to the end. Let others see you in me. Give me eyes to see, ears to hear your call in my life. Fall fresh on me. Fall fresh on me. Amen

God is great,

Pastor Lynn




Unleashed: As You Go – Pray

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Indeed, by faith our ancestors received approval. By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was made from things that are not visible.” Hebrews 11:1-3

Would your faith be made easier by having a Lord you could see?

Over the years the people of Israel had experienced a rhythm of revival and regression, domination and defeat. Finally, they had an answer for all their problems, we want a king! They had God but how much better it would have been if they had a flesh and blood king like all the neighboring nations.  Instead of listening to the Prophet Samuel’s warnings about what it would be like to live under a king, “the people refused to listen to the voice of Samuel; they said, “No! but we are determined to have a king over us, so that we also may be like other nations, and that our king may govern us and go out before us and fight our battles.” (I Samuel 8:19-20)

“Yahweh alone was King over Israel, the prophets thundered: to be feared, to be loved, above all else to be obeyed. When the people decided they wanted a king of flesh and blood like all the other nations, Samuel warned them that the consequences would be tragic (1 Samuel 8:4-18), and history proved him correct in every particular. In the long run Israel as king and kingdom vanished from history altogether.” (Frederick Buechner)

Mark Buchanan tells the story of musician Ray Charles who went blind at age seven. “He lived his childhood in rural poverty, in a one-room shack at the edge of a sharecropper’s field. In the movie about him, in a scene from his childhood, he runs into his house and trips over a chair. He starts to wail for his mother. She stands at the stove, right in front of him, and instinctively reaches out to lift him. Then she stops. Backs up. Stands still. Watches.

Ray stops crying. He quiets. He listens. He hears, behind him, the water on the wood stove whistling to a boil. He hears, outside, the wind pass like a hand through cornstalks. He hears the thud of horse hooves on the road, the creak and clatter of the wagon they pull. Then he hears, in front of him, the thin faint scratch of a grasshopper walking the worn floorboards of his mama’s cottage. He inches over and, attentive now to every sigh and twitch, gathers the tiny insect in his hand. He holds it in his open palm. “I hear you, too, Mama,” he says. She weeps with pride and sorrow and wonder.” Charles later explains to someone, “I hear like you see.”

To “hear like you see” beautifully describes the faith that allows us to see beyond our physical realm of life. You may think “flesh and blood” answers will solve all the problems but they seldom do. Living a God-focused faith allows you to hear like others see. It allows you to enter deeper into the heart of God than any physical senses can ever take you. Living a God-focused faith allows us to see what others will never see.

Israel looked for their answers in a flesh and blood king but were quickly disappointed. Today we look for answers in “flesh and blood” solutions. If only this political party could be elected, they would solve all our nation’s problems. If only our elected officials would act boldly against neighboring countries. If only…. becomes the “flesh and blood king” that never can provide a future.

Would your faith be made easier by having a Lord you could see? Without a doubt. But the great thing is, we have that LORD.

He is called Jesus-Immanuel; God is with us. He is called “Our Father” who provides for us, forgives us and leads us.  He is called Jesus-the Good Shepherd. He is called Jesus-the Resurrection and the Life. He is our Advocate.

“I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip—he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD watches over you—the LORD is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The LORD will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life; the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.” –Psalm 121

God is great,

Pastor Lynn


Unleashed: As You Go – Pray

“Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.” Matthew 6:19-21 (NLT)

“How much money is enough?” The reporter’s question prompted John D. Rockefeller’s response, “Just a little bit more.” Over his lifetime Rockefeller would amass a fortune becoming the first billionaire in the United States before his death at age 97. Yet I think Rockefeller fully understood that the “little bit more” could not be held onto for eternity. Rockefeller, who daily read his Bible, attended prayer meetings twice a week and led a Bible study along with his wife, understood the temporary status of his treasure. A lot of his giving was church-related; generous to Baptist missionary causes, funding universities and social ministries.

What is the value you place on your treasures? Rockefeller used the wealth entrusted to him “where moths and rust cannot destroy.” Unfortunately, we often don’t realize the real value of something until it is gone. It could be something material or lost intimacy with a family member or a relationship with God. An antiques enthusiast in Connecticut could easily relate to Jesus’ parable in Matthew; “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which someone found and hid; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” (13:44)

An antiques hunter came across an interesting looking porcelain bowl at a yard sale in New Haven, Connecticut and purchased it for $35. The buyer did some research on his purchase and found out the bowl was a 15th century Ming Dynasty-era piece. The $35 yard sale bowl ended up selling for $721,800 at a Sotheby auction. Angela McAteer with Sotheby said it was a once in a lifetime discovery. McAteer said, How the bowl ended up at a Connecticut yard sale remains a mystery. It’s possible it was passed down through generations of the same family who did not know how unique it was.”

How easily do you discard your treasure? A 64-year-old man in southeast Germany found two framed paintings in a roadside dumpster. The paintings were actually 17th century original portraits by Italian artist Pietro Bellotti and Dutch artist Samuel van Hoogstraten. The police launched an investigation into how two priceless artifacts ended up in the trash can. I am pretty certain that whoever threw out the two paintings had no idea of their real value.

Time after time Jesus confronted the religious leaders of the day because they repeatedly rejected the precious gift of God’s love replacing it with worthless rituals and requirements. “The good person brings good things out of a good treasure, and the evil person brings evil things out of an evil treasure.” (Matthew 12:35)

Do we discard the real treasure of a friendship over a heated argument about politics? Do we discard the real treasure of a church family because of a disagreement over an issue? Do we discard the real treasure of a relationship with God because He didn’t answer a prayer the way we though He should?

In Star Winar magazine, a most interesting article was posted on the relationship between happiness and treasure. The most remarkable research is one done involving the world’s richest and poorest peoples.  The Forbes 400 “richest” list was given a survey and their satisfaction level was rated at exactly the same point as were the people of Masai of Kenya and the Intuit people of northern Greenland, both of whom have neither electricity nor running water.

Money is a necessity to live but apparently it can’t buy happiness and that’s for you to decide.  And as the old saying goes, “Money can buy you a house but it can’t buy you a home.”

Regardless of the size of our bank account, our 401K or the square footage of our house; the real treasure is “the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” Paul writes in 2 Corinthians that “we have this treasure in clay jars, so that it may be made clear that this extraordinary power belongs to God and does not come from us.” There is nothing wrong with earthly treasures if you hold them loosely. The real treasure you need to guard and hold tightly is the treasure of heaven found in Jesus Christ. One writer asked the question, “What do others see in you—the glory of God in a clay pot, or a clay pot trying to look like a treasure chest?”

God is great,

Pastor Lynn


Unleashed: As You Go – Pray

God – Faithful for a thousand generations

“Understand, therefore, that the LORD your God is indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes his unfailing love on those who love him and obey his commands.” Deuteronomy 7:9 (NLT)

Worthy of trust; consistent with truth; accurate; exact – these are words that convey the meaning of faithful. Images of steadiness, loyalty and reliability come to mind when we talk about a person who is faithful. Scripture captures for us the faithfulness of God from Torah to Psalms to the Prophets through the Gospels to Revelation.

Normally faithful is an adjective describing someone but in the case of Jesus, Faithful and True is one of his names, “Then I saw heaven opened, and a white horse was standing there. Its rider was named Faithful and True, for he judges fairly and wages a righteous war.” – Revelation 19:11

Faithfulness “for a thousand generations” is a number we struggle to wrap our minds around.  A number that basically has no end is how the writer of Deuteronomy is trying to capture the unending faithfulness of God. As followers of Christ, faithfulness becomes a source of hope from generation to generation. A.W. Tozer wrote that “The faithfulness of God is a datum of sound theology but to the believer it becomes far more than that: it passes through the processes of the understanding and goes on to become nourishing food for the soul…. Upon God’s faithfulness rests our whole hope of future blessedness.”

A story is told of an old Scottish preacher who was rebuked by one of his deacons for the dismissal results from his preaching. The pastor was reminded that only one boy had been added to the church all year.  The pastor agreed saying, “I feel it all but God knows I’ve tried to do my duty.” On that day the minister’s heart was heavy as he stood before his flock. As he finished the message, he felt a strong inclination to resign but after everyone had left the building, the one young boy added to the church came to the pastor and asked, “Do you think if I worked hard for an education, I could become a preacher and perhaps a missionary?”

The old faithful pastor didn’t live to see the end of the story but he knew “the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations.”  Years later an aged missionary couple returned to London from Africa after spending over 50 years on the mission field.  It is said, “His name was spoken with reverence. Nobles invited him to their homes. He had added many souls to the church of Jesus Christ…. His name was Robert Moffat, the same Robert who years before had spoken to the pastor that Sunday morning in the old Scottish kirk.”

Robert Moffat and his wife Mary’s faithful impact still continues on to the generations that followed. Moffat worked to translate the whole Bible into Setswana to provide ongoing teaching and nourishment of new believers. Moffat would mentor David Livingstone for the ministry and their daughter, Mary would later marry him. Livingstone would become part of the great gospel expansion into Central and Eastern Africa.

Faithfulness is not confined to what we see but of what we don’t see. Moffat wrote that, “We shall have all eternity in which to celebrate our victories, but we have only one swift hour before the sunset in which to win them.”

Thomas Chisholm captured well the awe-inspiring faithfulness of God in his great hymn, “Great is thy Faithfulness.” “A faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes his unfailing love” on us.

Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father, There is no shadow of turning with thee; Thou changest not, they compassions, they fail not; As thou hast been thou forever wilt be.

Great is thy faithfulness! Great is they faithfulness! Morning by morning new mercies I see; All I have needed thy hand hath provided; Great is thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

Undoubtedly each of us will walk through periods of pain and suffering, yet as we lament, we are able to identify with the words of Jeremiah in the book of Lamentations: “The faithful love of the LORD never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. I say to myself, “The LORD is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him!” (3:22-24)

God is great,

Pastor Lynn




Unleashed: As You Go – Pray

The forgotten blush

“Are they ashamed of their disgusting actions? Not at all—they don’t even know how to blush! Therefore, they will lie among the slaughtered. They will be brought down when I punish them, says the Lord.” Jeremiah 6:15 NLT

Remember when the teacher called on you in class and you didn’t have the foggiest idea of the answer? Your face turned deep red.

Remember when you did something totally stupid and everyone turned to look at you? Your face turned fire engine red and you wanted to crawl under the table.

Blushing is a natural response to some action that embarrasses or shames you. It is an involuntary reaction to an event and the bottom line is that you can’t control blushing. Charles Darwin called blushing “the most peculiar and most human of all expressions.” Mark Twain said, “Man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to.”  I am pretty confident in saying that most of us have even blushed because we blushed!

Ray Crozier, a psychology professor from England concluded that “blushing evolved as a means of enforcing the social codes to which we humans must adhere for our societies to function in a friendly manner. By blushing when we’re embarrassed, we are showing others that we recognize we’ve just mis-stepped socially, and that we’re paying the price for it. Others who see us blushing after an awkward situation understand from experience the unpleasant feelings we’re undergoing at that moment, and blushing may serve as a nonverbal, physical apology for our mistake.”

Greek philosopher Diogenes once remarked to a blushing boy, “Courage my boy, that is the complexion of virtue.” The late Lucille Ball was reported to have said, “The problem with our world these days is that we no longer blush.” Long before Lucille Ball or Diogenes, long before your first blush, God shared how a whole nation didn’t “even know how to blush.”  Awkward social situation blushing is normal and healthy. However, when a culture no longer blushes then you are facing a major spiritual problem.

“Jeremiah, say to the people, “This is what the LORD says: “When people fall down, don’t they get up again? When they discover they’re on the wrong road, don’t they turn back? Then why do these people stay on their self-destructive path? Why do the people of Jerusalem refuse to turn back? They cling tightly to their lies and will not turn around. I listen to their conversations and don’t hear a word of truth. Is anyone sorry for doing wrong? Does anyone say, “What a terrible thing I have done”? No! All are running down the path of sin as swiftly as a horse galloping into battle!” (8:4-6)

Twice the call for spiritual renewal is met with the same response, “Are they ashamed of these disgusting actions? Not at all—they don’t even know how to blush!”  Jeremiah confronts a nation that no longer has the moral foundation that produces blushing in its people. They were a nation where the people no longer feared God enough to blush; a nation of people that no longer had tender hearts to their sins that would cause blushing.

Throughout history, people have decided to go their own path, forgetting God and hardening hearts that no longer blushed at their actions. You only have to read the latest headline or watch the morning news to witness in our nation the accusation that we “do not even know how to blush.” “Shamelessness has pervaded the culture. There is no shame in the vilest behavior. There is no guilt in the most evil act. There is no embarrassment when caught in the most abominable conduct.“– Dr. Daniel Merritt


Our generation must choose which path to walk: the ancient path of God or the modern path of evil. Scripture records for us how Ezra felt the shame and embarrassment of a nation that had rejected God’s path.  “At the time of the sacrifice, I stood up from where I had sat in mourning with my clothes torn. I fell to my knees and lifted my hands to the LORD my God. I prayed, “O my God, I am utterly ashamed; I blush to lift up my face to you. For our sins are piled higher than our heads, and our guilt has reached to the heavens. From the days of our ancestors until now, we have been steeped in sin. . . .” (Ezra 9:5-7b)


Lord, we need to again feel the weight of our sins until we can again blush in your presence. Give us hearts that are tender, lives that are open to you, minds that are pure and life-styles that are God honoring.  Let us again come to you in repentance.  Let us again seek “the ancient paths, where the good way lies; and walk in it, and find rest for our souls.”


God is great,


Pastor Lynn


Unleashed: As You Go – Pray

That was God!

“What are we going to do with these men?” they asked. “Everybody living in Jerusalem knows they have done an outstanding miracle, and we cannot deny it.” Acts 4:16

When was the last time you simply said, “That was God!”  Maybe you had been sick and recovered; maybe you were out of work until one day, out of the blue, you get a job offer; maybe you had been dealing with a problem at work and all of a sudden you had an epiphany.

It is not always easy to explain the unexplainable. Non-believers will try to find a rational answer. Some will call it fate, others, pure luck. Believers will often use the word miracle but more as a good luck term. “The living God, the God Who is God and not a philosopher’s abstraction, lies infinitely beyond the reach of anything our eyes can see or our minds can understand.” –Thomas Merton

IMB missionary George Smith should be dead but he is not! George and his wife Geraldine serve in the country of Uganda. George became sick in January with Covid and had to be medically evacuated to Nairobi, Kenya where he was placed on a ventilator with very little chance of survival. Yet as doctors talked to his wife about the need for end of life decisions, she simply continued to pray. People around the world simply continued to pray. New believers in Jesus who had recently come out of Islam realized the need to pray. George is now home in Louisiana recovering. Is this miracle or medicine?  The simple answer is both, but if I could ask George he would probably say, “That was God!”

The miracle for George is not necessarily the recovery, but the story that he will be able to tell. Miracles have a purpose which always point us to God. Jesus performed many miracles that always told a story – a story that pointed people to God, a story that changed lives, a story that led to redemption. “What makes it a miracle is that God performed it specifically to make Himself known, to communicate with human beings. When God pokes into our world through the miraculous, He is communicating with us, otherwise we cannot appropriately use the term “miraculous” to describe the event.” –Eric Metaxas

Peggy Noonan thought miracles existed “in part as gifts and in part as clues that there is something beyond the flat world we see.” We live in an age when people are looking for clues that there is something more than the life they are living. It could be that God will use miracles to point people to Him because you would think miracles would be a sure-fire way of drawing people to Him. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Jesus performed miracle after miracle yet faced increasing opposition and rejection.

Mark tells the account of when Jesus was in his hometown of Nazareth. “And he could do no deed of power there, except that he laid his hands on a few sick people and cured them. And he was amazed at their unbelief.” (6:5-6) If Jesus couldn’t perform miracles in his own hometown, how can we expect people to be moved by miracles today?

Moses stood on the shore of the Red Sea and watched the hand of God split the water. That was God!

Queen Esther stood before the king to save her people. That was God!

David stood at the edge of the battlefield having faced the biggest giant of his life. That was God!

Jesus hung on the cross and said “It is finished.That was God!

Today you may be standing at the edge of a hospital bed praying for healing of a loved one. Today you may be pouring out your heart for a wayward child. Today you may be pleading for mercy. The miracle you need more than anything is God himself. At the end of the day you are able to cry out, “That was God!”

“Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus. After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.” Acts 4:29-31

That was God!

God is great





Unleashed: As You Go – Pray

“Save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my neck. I sink in deep mire, where there is no foothold; I have come into deep waters, and the flood sweeps over me. I am weary with my crying; my throat is parched. My eyes grow dim with waiting for my God.” Psalm 69:1-3

Turn on the TV! These were the words I heard shouted as I answered a call from Connie. We had just moved from Nairobi, Kenya to Richmond, Virginia to take on a new assignment with the International Mission Board. September 11, 2001, a day forever etched in time. Saturday marked the 20th anniversary of 9/11 which is still as fresh in our memory as if yesterday.

We joined that night with other believers at our church to pray. Across America, thousands of other churches opened their doors for prayer. For the next several Sundays there seemed to be a spiritual awakening as churches were filled to capacity. Millions were looking for hope, assurance that everything would be OK. People sought the fellowship of others in the midst of tragedy. The words of William Temple, the Archbishop of Canterbury after World War II, said it well, “The church is the only organization that does not exist for itself, but for those who live outside of it.” It was those from outside that also sought the comfort of the church.

Yet as quickly as our nation turned to God in fear and confusion on that bleak night, just as quickly people went back to their pre-9/11 lives. R. C. Sproul wrote that the very last sermon that Martin Luther preached was on people departing from the power of God. Luther preached with passion about his concern for Germany. He observed that after the gospel had been rediscovered—after light had dawned and pushed aside the darkness that had eclipsed it during the Middle Ages—people were now becoming somewhat jaded to the gospel. They could hear it from virtually every pulpit in Germany, but it was no longer something that ignited fire in their bones.”

As our nation commemorates the 20th anniversary of 9/11, we find ourselves deeply divided, less respectful of others, civility forgotten, fear increasing and anxiety prevalent. Instead of our nation focused on God, we find an increasing number rejecting the church. Janet Denison writes that “People will continue to blame religion” for what is wrong in the world. It’s the job of every Christian to glorify God for all that is right. If we will take the time to “be prepared” and use every opportunity to share the “hope” that we have with “gentleness and respect,” we will change the culture one conversation at a time.”

As a firefighter was sorting through the rubble and remnants of the south tower he made an unbelievable discovery: A Bible fused to a chunk of steel. Pages from the “9/11 Bible” remained with a portion of Jesus Sermon on the Mount showing, as if God was speaking to America, “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also.” (Matt 5:38-39)

Joel Meyerowitz, the photographer assigned as record keeper of ground zero, after receiving the Bible, said, “It totally mesmerizes me that amidst the burning destruction of 9/11 and the remaining rubble, this fragile yet powerful piece of parchment was able to endure and send a lasting message to us all: Our fleshly nature urges us to repay evil for evil, but God calls us to press on in forgiveness and love, while leaving vengeance to Him.”  (To view a short video showing and discussing the 9/11 Bible click here)

On this 20th anniversary of 9/11 I hope we set aside a time for prayer and reflection. Let it serve as a renewed time of prayer for our nation’s citizens to again be humble and willing to return to God. Pray that our nation would be used of God to touch the world for good. Let our churches be a place of healing and spiritual renewal. “When the unchurched, the lost, and those away from God enter our churches, they need to see us believing in the power of prayer and the power of God.” — Ronnie Floyd


“The grass withers, the flower fades; but the word of our God will stand forever.” Isaiah 40:8

God is great,



Unleashed: As You Go – Pray

“Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, and let your glory be over all the earth.” Psalm 108:5

Driving in Senoia the other day I noticed a local church signboard with the words “Prayer Moves God.” I am certain the person putting up the sign simply wanted passersby to know the power of prayer which I agree with wholeheartedly. It is a nice little pithy saying, but it started me thinking. Does God only move when we pray? This simple sentence makes prayer the subject and God the object. It makes God the inanimate object to be controlled by the pray-er.

If not careful, you can make “Prayer Moves God” seem almost as if we see God as the friendly mall Santa Claus at Christmas just waiting to hear the little girl’s request for a bike or the little boy asking for a new Lego set.  “We shall not rise in our practice of prayer above our perspective of prayer.”—Jack Taylor

You can make “Prayer Moves God” be more like parents of teenagers trying to wake them up, it takes repeated shouting to get them out of bed. However, you don’t have to wake God to get Him moving because He didn’t go to sleep on you. The Psalmist wrote in Psalm 121, “I lift up my eyes to the hills—from where will my help come? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth. He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber.” God is moving even before we know we need to pray; morning, noon or night. Mary Crowley wrote, “Every evening I turn my worries over to God. He’s going to be up all night anyway.”

“Prayer Moves God” because God is intently listening to us. Parents of young children know the minute their child hits the floor the “Why?” questions begin. According to child psychologist Paul Harris, a child asks around 40.000 questions between the ages of two and five. If parents listen to their children’s “why” questions, you know God is so ready for our prayers.  “Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear.” (Isaiah 65:24)

“Prayer Moves God” because He loves us completely. “See how very much our Father loves us, for He calls us His children….” (I John 3:1) “But God proves his love for us in that while we were sinners Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)

“Prayer Moves God” because God was already moving. “Remember the things I have done in the past…. Only I can tell you the future before it even happens.” (Isaiah 46:9-10) “Even before a word is on my tongue, O LORD, you know it completely.” (Psalm 139:4) “True prayer moves in a circle. It begins in the heart of God, sweeps down into the human heart upon the earth, so intersecting the circle of the earth, which is the battlefield of prayer, and then it goes back again to its starting point, having accomplished its purpose on the downward swing.”—S. D. Gordon

“Prayer Moves God” because prayer moves us. The life of prayer is a critical part of our soul journey. Our prayers of intercession allow us to be in partnership with God in healing the world. Our prayers of intercession for Haiti, Afghanistan, and Louisiana have an impact because prayer moves us. Jack Taylor sums up well the lack of a life of prayer in our lives.  “We are in desperate need of a return to personal and prevailing prayer. We shall not be saved from our spiritual doldrums by more programs and better strategy. God’s chief method has always been people and prayer!”

During the time that Connie and I lived in Bophuthatswana we served in a small Batswana church that often prepared for a time of prayer by singing the words, “Be still and know that I am God; I am the Lord who saves and heals; In you, O Lord, I put my trust.” These simple lyrics became a calling for us to be still and know God:  a time of worship and prayer, a time to focus on God moving prayers. The voices singing together with one heart in this small African church with no electricity, no ceiling, dirt floors and brick walls knew the One who could truly make a difference.

Though the link to the song, “Be Still and Know” is not quite the same as how our church in Bophuthatswana sang, I invite you to take a couple of minutes to worship in prayer. (click here to listen)

“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10

Prayer Moves” because our

God is great!

Pastor Lynn





Unleashed: As You Go – Pray

“Now there was a great wind, so strong that it was splitting mountains and breaking rocks in pieces before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire; and after the fire a sound of sheer silence.”  I Kings 19:11-12

Does the flap of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil set off a tornado in Texas? This was the title of a speech given by Edward Lorenz, mathematician and meteorologist. Lorenz pioneered the concept of the chaos theory. “In the chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state.” In other words, the idea that small causes may have effects in weather.

Johann Gottlieb Fichte had a similar thought in the 1800s when he wrote, “you could not remove a single grain of sand from its place without thereby…. changing something throughout all parts of the immeasurable whole.”

The Butterfly effect is often used as a metaphor that the existence of seemingly insignificant moments alters history and the shape of destiny. Instead of a “chaos theory,” what if we applied the butterfly effect spiritually?

Paul understood the butterfly effect of sin. Romans 5:12 tells us of the impact of Adam and Eve’s choice that has rippled through the ages. “Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death came through sin, and so death spread to all because all have sinned.”

The butterfly effect of faith is incalculable. “One generation shall laud your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts.” (Psalm 145:4) Edward Kimball lived a simple life, had no formal education but was a passionate follower of Jesus and a faithful Sunday School teacher. It was in the backroom of a shoe store that he led a young man by the name of Dwight L. Moody to faith in Jesus Christ. Over the years, Moody shared the Gospel with millions, both in the United States and England.

It was in a little chapel in England where Moody preached that the young pastor, F.B. Meyer was inspired to change his ministry approach. Over the course of time Meyer had the opportunity to preach in America where another pastor, J. Wilbur Chapman was motivated, upon hearing Meyer, to move into full time evangelism. In one of Chapman’s crusades a young baseball player, Billy Sunday accepted Jesus as his savior. Sunday later took over Chapman’s ministry, preaching the gospel to thousands. In one of Sunday’s crusades, Mordecai Ham came to faith. Later on, Ham was called to preach in a tent crusade in Charlotte, North Carolina where a young man by the name of Billy Graham came to faith. It is estimated over 2.2 billion people heard the gospel through Graham’s ministry. The butterfly effect of one Sunday School teacher over the course of decades!

Can you imagine if we applied the butterfly effect to prayer? Unleashing the power of prayer to impact family, friends, communities and nations for Christ. The impact would be both life-changing and life-giving.

You may be frustrated with the ineffectiveness of our political leaders. Imagine the butterfly effect as you pray “the king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the LORD, he turns it wherever he will.” (Proverbs 21:1)

You may be burdened with the cultural changes leading away from God. Imagine the butterfly effect as you pray “Say to them, ‘As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways!” (Ezekiel 33:11)

You may be overwhelmed with the staggering hopelessness in places like Afghanistan and Haiti. Imagine the butterfly effect as you pray that “The LORD is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.” Psalm 9:9

The butterfly effect is not a theory when it comes to the realm of spiritual things. The spiritual butterfly effect was working long before our generation lived on earth. I know from personal experience of the spiritual butterfly effect.  I know that a faithful preacher preached the gospel that changed my life for eternity. I know that a loving Mother took her little boy to church every week. I know that many faithful Sunday School teachers taught me to love God and His word. I know dedicated school teachers taught me from a godly perspective.

Does the flap of a butterfly’s wings set off a spiritual awakening around the world?

“You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created.” Revelation 4:11

God is great,

Pastor Lynn




Unleashed: As You Go – Pray

“O LORD, you will hear the desire of the meek; you will strengthen their heart, you will incline your ear to do justice for the orphan and the oppressed, so that those from earth my strike terror no more.” Psalm 10:17-18

I am overwhelmed by the news from Afghanistan – watching video clips of Afghans clinging to a C-17 desperately trying to escape, much like people jumping from burning buildings trying to escape the flames. How desperate does one have to become to place their hope for survival in what couldn’t save?

When I started this weekly blog my only desire in writing was to encourage people and always point to Jesus. I know without a doubt that He is the ultimate source of hope and salvation. However, I am finding words inadequate to express the events over the last few days related to Afghanistan. I will leave it to you to debate the merits of the action, the timing of withdrawal and whether the United States should have stayed or gone.

What I do feel as a follower of Jesus Christ is that I now have a greater responsibility to pray for the voiceless, the fragile, the vulnerable and the small Christian remnant in Afghanistan. We know our God is far greater and more powerful than the current world events unfolding before us. The late Richard Halverson, who served as chaplain of the U.S. Senate, said of prayer, “Intercession is the truly universal work for the Christian. No place is closed to intercessory prayer: no continent, no nation, no city, no organization, no office. No power on earth can keep intercession out.”

A good friend who served in that area with her family shared a most thoughtful reflection on the situation. “Hope is fragile. Anyone who cared for the people of Afghanistan, particularly those who felt called to go serve among them in some capacity, suspected the precarious peace might not last. One Christian woman who lived there at that time observed, “I said I don’t want to die in Afghanistan. But the fact is that when I went to Afghanistan, I had already died.” Dying to self is at the very heart of Christian discipleship. And no one understands it quite like followers of Jesus living in contexts of extreme persecution.” – Tina Boesch

The events in Afghanistan and Haiti, among the many seemingly hopeless situations around the world, reflect the futility of placing one’s faith in worldly structures. My prayer is that our nation will never experience the total collapse of our government. Yet each of us at some point will experience individual collapse from sickness, aging, family conflicts, jobs. Only in God will we find our way home.  “It’s when the Red Sea is before you, the mountains are on one side of you, the desert is on the other side, and you feel the Egyptian army closing in from behind that you experience His power to open up an escape route. He has power to do the supernatural, the unthinkable, the impossible” – Anne Graham Lotz (The Joy of My Heart)

Though I feel a soul deadening frustration, I know the God I worship is able beyond all measure to carry the broken souls through this season. I invite you to listen to the words of A Song of Lamentation by Steve Schallert. (click here to listen) Let the words of this song become a prayer for the voiceless and to lament with them their pain.


God of the poor


Friend of the weak



Light of the World

These weary bones

Tremble and weep


Heal every heart

Heal every soul

Heal this violence we carry

The blood in the soil


There is blood in the soil!

There is blood in the soil!

There is blood in the soil!

There is blood in the soil!


Lord we don’t know the words to voice yet we trust You to know. We trust You to care for the oppressed, the hurting, the fragile and the hopeless. We trust You to guide us to in these days on how to show Your love. Amen

God is great,

Pastor Lynn