
Hello Friends,

A few updates and prayer requests  for this week.

UNITED AWAKENING BAPTIST CHURCH (Congolese) – After not being able to visit with this church since January I spent the day with them last Sunday. It was a great celebration of ordination of an associate pastor for the church.  Other churches in this network came and we celebrated with choirs, scripture, preaching and prayer.  PRAY for this growing congregation to grow deep in their faith and to be a bright light into the Congolese community in Knoxville.  Congolese are the largest group of refugees to be resettled into our county this year. PRAY for the provision of a van in good condition as the few people who have a car in the church make multiple trips to bring people to church and then again to take them home after the service.  This is an urgent and great need for growth of the church. PRAY for people who are willing to be a part of an English Language Learners program we want to start with the church. We need teachers, assistant teachers, and childcare workers.

BRIDGE REFUGEE SERVICES – resettle refugees coming into the States in the cities of Knoxville and Chattanooga. They are a non-profit but receive government funding. Their current Executive Director has announced her retirement.  We ask that you PRAY fervently for the selection of a new Executive Director.  ASK God for someone who is a strong believer to be selected.  The current, soon to be retiring Ex Dir, has made some guidelines that limits the involvement of believers and the church through their organization. We are engaging refugees in other ways. We want to do more in their first days of arrival and to work more easily with the organization.   Thank you for joining us in this prayer.

KCAB – PRAY for the work of our associational staff as we seek to know how to best serve our churches to further God’s Kingdom in this place. PRAY for wisdom as we seek to be sure we have God’s vision for today and for the future. PRAY for Spiritual Awakening in Knox County and beyond. I am trying to re-vision and seek better avenues or ways for the work God has called me to here. Please PRAY for me to put aside distractions, seek God fully and hear from Him about the future and His work here.

EMERITI M RETREAT – I will fly to Orlando on Monday, May 16th.  I have a few days of free time to enjoy the city and visit my niece & her family. On Wednesday afternoon I will join other Emeritus  Ms for a retreat. I am so looking forward to time with my mission family and catching up.  PRAY for this time together.

KATIE – Update – They have diagnosed her cancer as Aggressive B Cell Lymphoma.  She has received her first chemo treatment.  PRAY that the treatment will bring complete remission.  PRAY that her body tolerates the treatment.  PRAY for her husband, Jeremy, their 3 boys, and the extended family caring for them on this journey.

WHITNEY – update from last week – They discovered the infection to be at the site where they removed the brain tumor.  They cleaned it out and closed the site again.  She went home for a night but had to return to the hospital last night.  PRAY for healing, strength and peace. PRAY for her medical team to have wisdom and insight for the right treatment. PRAY for husband Travis, 2 teenage daughters and extended family.

FOOT UPDATE – Last Thursday I saw my surgeon again.  He was very pleased with the progress of healing.  I am now wearing regular shoes (he said no shoes from Walmart : ) and need good support). I  can also drive again. I have gained a new appreciation for the ability and freedom to walk and drive. This is 2 weeks earlier that the original plan.  There is still some healing to be completed to be 100% but it is close. There is a bit of pain/soreness and swelling with walking on it. That should improve with each day of walking and PT. Thank you, my friends, for supporting me on the journey.

Thank you for your prayers and support for the ministry and for me personally.  Please let me know how I can pray for you.




GIVING – if you would like to make a gift toward salary or ministry needs, please see the info below. Your financial support allows me to continue to be On Mission in Knoxville. THANK YOU!! Financial gifts for support of salary or ministry budget may be sent through one of the following ways.

On website at https://www.kcab.org/




Knox County Association of Baptists

For Nations & Neighbors

  1. O. Box 11028

Knoxville, TN 37939