C.E.M. Highlights

We had just started to become familiar with the books of the Bible in Children’s Worship before the implementation of the shelter-at-home directive. Now, with social distancing still in place, I believe we should continue learning important information pertaining to each book. Also, be sure to practice reciting the books of the Bible in the right order.


I would like to have parents continue this with their children while we are still at home over the next several weeks. Our goal is to become familiar with one book per week. Please help your child to learn the books of the Bible (we’re doing them in order) and the brief description of each book that will be supplied in the eNews each week. (Hint, hint, hint! Don’t be surprised if your Sunday morning teacher calls you to ask a couple of questions about the book of the Bible listed in our weekly eNews.) Let’s start with the New Testament.


The Book Of Matthew 

  • Who wrote this book? – Matthew, one of Jesus’ 12 disciples.
  • Why was this book written? – Matthew shows the Jews that Jesus is the Messiah promised in the Old Testament.
  • For whom was this book written? – The Jewish people.
  • What happens in this book? – It tells us about Jesus’ birth, His life as an adult, His teaching, death, and resurrection.
  • Who is the key person in this book? – Jesus
  • When did this happen? – These events took place between 6 B.C. and A.D. 30
  • Where did this happen? – Most events took place in towns in Galilee.