Discover the process for membership at FBC-Peachtree City through our Starting Point class. This pathway is the catalyst for our disciple-making strategy and is required for membership. Get to know who we are as a church, learn more about how God has shaped you to serve, and ways you can join His mission.

Classes are held on select Sundays from 9:30—12:00 am in the Conference Room located in the office suite of our main building.

Know the Gospel, Discover His Church, and Connect with FBC Peachtree City

Learn how you can have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, what it means to be a part of God’s Church, and connect with the people and mission of FBC Peachtree City.


Live in Fellowship with God, Live in Community with Others and Live a Life of

In this session, learn how-to live-in community with God through a personal quiet time, learn
why living in community is critical to a life of faith, and discover what groups you can connect
into and learn how living a life of generosity is God’s design for a selfless life.


Understand Your Purpose, How God Made You, and How You Can Impact the

Disciples are not to be consumers but contributors to the people around them. God made you
to SERVE Him and make an impact in the world around you.


Share Your Story, His Story and Your Life with Others

Discover your faith story and how to share it naturally with others. Learn how to share the
Gospel clearly and get involved in what God is doing through our church in our local community
and around the world.