Celebration Choir
We sing a blend of traditional anthems, gospel arrangements, and contemporary worship selections. Rehearsals are held on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in the Meeting Place. No audition is required, and new members can join anytime.

Worship Team / Band
Made up of instrumentalists and vocalists, this team helps to lead worship at both of our Sunday morning services and special events. Proficiency at an instrument and/or vocal ability is necessary, so an audition is required. Rehearsal is held on  Sunday mornings from 7:00 – 8:30 a.m.

Media Ministry
In this multi-media driven culture, the church is diligent in working toward engaging a diverse group of people with the Gospel. This requires a team of people passionate about conveying the message through music and teaching in a variety of ways, including sound, video production, camera operators, graphics, lighting, and internet / live feed media. Trainable and faithful people are desired. Contact Aaron Spencer.

Pastor Rob LaLiberte for more information.