What to do next?
(1) Complete the form on the “Sign-Up” link. It includes basic information. A member of our staff will be in contact with you very soon to talk with you about your decision and about a potential date for your baptism.

(2) Complete the “Gospel Testimony” section, which is YOUR story of how you came to faith in Jesus Christ. We want to help you in being able to communicate your story. You should answer three (3) basic questions: (a) What was life like before I met Christ? (b) How did I come to know Christ as my personal Lord and Savior? and (c) What is motivating me to go public with my faith in baptism?

(3) A pastor / minister will follow-up with you to answer any questions that you may have, to give you encouragement and counsel, and to help you in being able to share your Gospel Story. The coordinating pastor / minister will schedule the time for your baptism.

What should I wear for baptism?
If you are planning to be baptized at FBCPTC, here are some things for you to know. You will be provided with a robe that you can wear over your clothes. You will want to bring black or dark colored shorts, a dark colored T-shirt, a towel, a change of clothes and a plastic bag to place your wet clothes in after you are baptized.

When do I arrive?
On the day of your baptism, you will want to arrive approximately 30 minutes early so that one of our trained baptism hosts can walk you through the baptism process. You will be shown where to change, where to enter and exit, and told when to be ready. We will make sure all of your questions are answered.

What do I do when I arrive?
A trained baptism host will walk you through your Sunday morning process. If you don’t know who that is for the day, you can find your baptism host by asking the person who scheduled you for baptism.

Who will/can baptize me?
We believe that baptism and communion are the two ordinances given to the church in the New Testament. Based on that, anyone who performs a baptism needs to represent not only what we believe, but be living that out in a community of believers. Any of the FBCPTC ministerial staff can baptize. On occasions, the candidate’s father or someone who has been ordained by another church Body is allowed to baptize as well. Those opportunities are considered on a case-by-case basis.

Who should I invite?
Everyone! This is a special time in your life as you go public with your faith for the first time.

Will I have to say anything?
After you are in the baptism pool you will be asked if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior. You should simply respond with “yes”. Other than that, you are not expected to say anything.

If you have any other questions you can call the church office at 770-487-8133.

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