Initiative is seeing what needs to be done and doing it.

Memory Verse: “Work at everything you do with all your heart. Work as if you were working for the Lord.” Colossians 3:23a, NIrV

Week 1:
Today we  began with the first chapter of Nehemiah. Nehemiah was working for King Artaxerxes when his brother brought news from the exiles living in Judah. When he heard about the devastation in Jerusalem, Nehemiah was heartbroken. He recognized the huge need and before he did anything he prayed. He knew he needed God’s help.

Bottom Line: When you see something big to be done, ask God for help. 

Week 2:
We’ll check out Nehemiah 2:1-9 and 11-18. Nehemiah took initiative and set out to fix the wall. When no one else would step, he went straight to King Artaxerxes and took action. And it’s that initiative that inspires the entire community to get involved.

Bottom Line: When you see what needs to be done, don’t wait for someone else to do it.

Week 3:
We will focus on a different part of Nehemiah’s story in Nehemiah 5:1-12. While everyone was building the wall, an issue arose. Some of the Israelites were severely mistreating each other. Even though Nehemiah was in charge of rebuilding the wall, even though he was the leader, and even though he was in charge, he stopped the building of the wall to confront the issue. He cared enough about the people to stay to help them figure out a solution.

Bottom Line: When you see people in need, don’t wait for someone else to help them. 

Week 4:
We’ll look at several passages through Nehemiah and that throughout the whole process of building the wall, Nehemiah demonstrated some amazing truths about initiative. He demonstrated how to see what needs to be done and did it. He demonstrated how to care for others. He even demonstrated something that’s very important to recognize when talking about initiative—Nehemiah realized that the ability or strength to do what needs to be done comes from God. We cannot accomplish the task on our own. We have to lean on God to do His part as well. The most powerful part is seeing that when they did their part, God stepped in and did something that only God could do.

Bottom Line: You can trust God to help you do what needs to be done.

Week 5: 
Week 5 we will wrap up our Life App on initiative. Together we will have a chance to show initiative and work together on a  special project for our community. Colossians 3:23 tells us to work for the Lord with all our hearts and we are going to put God’s word into action!

Bottom Line: Work hard for the Lord.