The name gives it away. Life Groups are about people living life together and finding life-long friends, but they are much more than that. Life Groups focus on Bible study, prayer, care for one another, missions and multiplication. Our Life Groups include all of our Preschool, Children, Student and Adult groups that are yearly and multi-yearly groups. Life Groups are age-specific or multigenerational. Their size can range from six to sixty, but in every Life Group the goal is to see life transformation of the whole person, not just knowledge increase but total life change.

We want everything we do to flow out of our Life Groups so that every person feels loved, gives love and serves with their group to love our city. Through our Life Groups, people will learn how to connect in ministry opportunities on Sundays and Wednesdays but also how to minister to one another within their own Life Group. At FBCPTC, we have Life Groups which meet on-campus (Campus Life Groups) Sundays and Wednesdays and off-campus (Community Life Groups) at various times during the week. The idea is for attenders to choose one or the other as their Life Group.

As God made us for community, we need others to help us apply the gospel to our lives. Our hope is that everyone who attends our church will be involved in a Campus or Community Life Group.


Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings, we have Campus Life Groups which meet at our church facility to study the Bible together and discuss how biblical truth works practically. Some groups are lecture based with some discussion and other groups are discovery based with heavy discussion. Campus Life Groups desire to communicate biblical truth effectively and care for those in their group. They also serve together in various mission projects within our community.

Ladies 50+
Bertha Amosu
Room 508 @ 8:00am

Young Adults
Matt & Angela Meng
Room 508 @ 9:00am

Multi Generational
Doug & Jamie Pyles
Room 509 @ 9:00am

Adults 20 – 35
Jonathan & Audrey Robinson
Room 803-FH @ 9:00am

Adults 30 – 45
Curtis & Sally Weaver
Room 507 @ 9:00am

Adults 35-50
Alan & Janet Harrelson
Room 808/809 @ 9:00am

Adults 40+
Mark Thornley & Dan Strain
Room 511 @ 9:00am

Adults Multi Generational
Troth / Rinkenberger
Room 103 .@ 9:00am

Adults Multi Generational
Room 510 @ 9:00am

Room 504 @ 9:00am

Craig Hamlin
Fellowship Hall @ 9:00am

Singles – 50+
Leader: [Interim]
Room 803-FH @ 10:30am

Adults 50+
Bill and Hazel Roll
Room 507 @ 10:30am

Adults 50+
Wade & Robin Gaddy
Room 801 @ 10:30am

Adults 50+
Lynn & Nancy Hume
Room 508 @ 10:30am

Leighton & Becky Haselgrove
Room 808/809 @ 10:30am

Upper Room @ 10:30am

Adults 60+
Tom & Marsha Mullins
Room 510 @ 10:30am

Adults 60+
Noel & Verie Foster
Room 600 @ 10:30am

Meeting Place| 611 @ 10:30am

Adults 60+
Bill & Tyra Elliott
Room 509 @ 10:30am

Adults 70+
Tom Beckham & Dan Roysden
Room 511 @ 10:30am

Adults 70+
Dottie Stiles & Gene Holder
Room 503 @ 10:30am


Community Life Groups meet “in the community”, in homes or places of business at various times throughout the week, to study the Bible, build friendships and encourage one another to love and good deeds. These groups are also safe spaces for those exploring Christianity who would like to experience what community life within the church looks like. Community Life Groups are typically 6 to 16 people.

Through Discovery Bible Studies, everyone in the group participates in learning what the Bible is saying and how they can apply its truth to everyday life situations. Community Life Group leaders are trained by our church staff and help to intentionally and relationally develop more leaders so their group can birth new groups each year within the community.

To get more information about connecting in a Life Group, please email Cindy Roysden or Craig Hamlin.

Gary & Beck Wood
Sundays @ 5PM (childcare provided)

Ben & Ann Marie Brezina
Young Married (20’s & 30’s, childcare provided)
Sundays @ 5PM

Ken & Yurapan King
Multi-Gen (no childcare)
2nd & 4th Fridays @ 6PM


3Sixteen stands for 2 Tim. 3:16 that says, “All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for doctrine, rebuke, correction and training in righteousness that the man of God might be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 3Sixteen Studies are all our seasonal bible studies for women, men and couples that happen during the school year and meet weekly for six to twelve weeks. These studies are designed to help people grow in specific areas of their walk. While relationships are formed within these studies, their main purpose is to impart knowledge about a particular topic.

If you are interested in a 3Sixteen Bible Study, please contact our Discipleship Office or email Cindy Roysden. Our Discipleship Pastor, Dr. Craig Hamlin, would also enjoy connecting with you.


BSF – Bible Study Fellowship Men
Description: Bible Study Fellowship classes take on a different book or section of the Bible over 30 weekly sessions. Each course goes chapter by chapter, verse by verse, allowing members to better understand the text and gain a more thorough knowledge of, and relationship with its Author. Register online.
Facilitator: Bill Degner
Time: 6:30 PM
Place: The Bridge Gameroom
Cost: FREE

BSF – Bible Study Fellowship Women 
Description: Bible Study Fellowship classes take on a different book or section of the Bible over 30 weekly sessions. Each course goes chapter by chapter, verse by verse, allowing members to better understand the text and gain a more thorough knowledge of, and relationship with its Author.  Register online.
Facilitator: Jill Babb
Time: 6:45 PM
Place: Fellowship Hall
Cost: FREE


Moms for Moms 
Description: Moms for Moms is just as it sounds. Through mentoring relationships around God’s Word, moms share lives with other moms to encourage one another in our faith. This Fall we will be using a study by Beth Moore called The Quest. In this six-week excursion with Jesus, Beth Moore uses questions from Scripture to lead you into intimacy with the One who knows you best. Learn to dig into the Word, to respond to the questions of God, and to bring your questions before Him. Let the crooked punctuation mark be the map that points you into a closer relationship with the Father.
Facilitator: Susan McEver
Time: 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 p.m.
Place: Meeting Place & 500 Hall
Cost: $4

Description: Precept Bible Study is an in-depth Bible study for those seeking to go deeper into the Word and in their faith. Join us as we dive into the book of Revelation Part 2.
Facilitator: Dawn Olson & Bethany Johnson
Time: 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 p.m.
Place: Room 503
Cost: $27

Grief Share
Description: Sometimes life hurts. Unfortunately, many people experience death, defeat, and devastation. But you are not alone; and having a friend to walk with through the grief process is a welcomed blessing.
Facilitators: Ron & Carol Purvis
Time: 2:00 p.m.- 3:30 p.m.
Place: Room 503
Cost: $10


Anxious for Nothing
Description: In this study, bestselling author Max Lucado looks at seven admonitions from the apostle Paul in Philippians 4:4–8 that lead to one wonderful promise: “The peace of God which surpasses all understanding.” As he unpacks each verse, he shows how God is ready to give comfort to help us face the calamities in life, view bad news through the lens of sovereignty, discern the lies of Satan, and tell ourselves the truth. We can be anxious for nothing, and discover true peace from God that surpasses all human understanding.
Facilitator: Elaine O’Neill & Debbie Slowik
Time: 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Place: The Bridge
Cost: $10

Chinese Bible Study/Fellowship AM
Description: A multi-generational group meeting Wednesday mornings for Bible study and fellowship.
Facilitators: Myra and Avery Sayer
Time: 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Place: Room 509
Cost: FREE

Apologetics for Parents: How to Talk with Your Kids About the Issues of their Times
Description:  The world is changing and changing fast. However, the truth of God never changes. How do parents answer the questions and intelligently discuss the issues of our time from a biblically intellectual perspective? Find out what the issues are, what the bible says and ways to discuss them with your children in this critical apologetics study taught by various Christian apologists every Wednesday night January – April.
Facilitator: Tom Griffin
Time: 6:15 PM – 7:30 PM
Place: 507
Cost: FREE

Rodgers LifeGroup
Description: Pastor Joey’s multi-generational Life Group will be meeting at the church on Wednesday evenings. This study is for all that serve the church on Sunday mornings and don’t have the opportunity to be part of a Life Group.
Facilitators: Joey Rodgers
Time: 6:15 PM – 7:45 PM
Place: Room 509
Cost: FREE

Prayer: How We Communicate with God (International Bible Study)
Description: Do you want to learn the way God created to communicate with Him? Prayer is the essential component to learning how to speak with God, hear from Him and see God at work in our lives and the world.
Facilitators: Craig Hamlin
Time: 6:15 PM – 7:45 PM
Place: 103
Cost: FREE

I Choose Peace – How to Quiet your Heart in the Chaos of Life
Description: As much as we would like it to be otherwise, the fact is that the world we live in is violent and uncertain. What is certain is that God promised His children supernatural peace – even in the midst of conditions that threaten to absolutely overwhelm us. In this study of Philippians 4, we will unpack how God’s peace works and how you can have it – even in a broken world.
Facilitators: Dick & Mary Frances Bowley
Time: 6:15 PM – 7:45 PM
Place: 503
Cost: FREE

Philippians Bible Study
Description: Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the struggles you are facing? Whether financial, relational, emotional, or even spiritual, the Bible reveals the key to having joy and peace in the midst of our hardest trials. In this verse by verse study of the book of Philippians, we will examine the truths shared by the Apostle Paul to encourage and motivate us to live like Christ. Come join us for a study filled truth that encourages. Wendy Peters is a new member of our church who has been a pastor’s wife for many years in Florida and North Carolina. She also has a Masters of Divinity from SEBTS and has taught many ladies bible studies throughout the years.
 Wendy Peters
Time: 6:15 PM – 7:30 PM
Place:  510
Cost: FREE


English as Second Language (ESL)
Description: ESL group is open to all nationalities and levels of proficiency in the English language. Childcare is available for children of attending students.
Facilitators: Pat King
Time: 9:30 AM – 11:30 PM
Place:  500 Hall
Cost: FREE


Job Seekers
Description: Job Seekers is designed to help unemployed business professionals align their gifts and abilities with God’s will. You will get practical job search assistance, spiritual and emotional support, and Christian fellowship.
Facilitators: Job Seekers PTC
Time: 7:30 AM – 10:00 AM
Place: Fellowship Hall
Cost: FREE

Chinese Bible Study/Fellowship PM
Description: A multi-generational group meeting Friday evenings for Bible study and fellowship.
Facilitators: Myra and Avery Sayer
Time: 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM
Place: Room 503
Cost: FREE


Men’s Bible Study
Description: We are here to inspire and equip men to know the Word, share it, and faithfully follow Christ as husbands, fathers and friends.
Facilitators: Mike Amosu & Cal Cheatham
Time: 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM
Place: 503
Cost: FREE




Birth – PreK
9:00 and 10:30 a.m.
Preschool Wing


6:15 – 7:45 p.m.

Ben Woodard



K – 5th Grade
LIFE Groups @ 9:00 a.m.

Children’s Elementary Worship @ 10:30 a.m.
Children’s Wing


6:15 – 7:45 p.m.

Theresa Dickens



The Bridge @ 9:00 a.m.
Middle School – Grade/Gender
High School – Grade/Mixed


6:15 – 7:45 p.m.

Pastor Jason Gossett