Crabapple Elementary1. Rake straw away from fence on the cart path next to the school.

2. Create and hang window covering for classroom doors to be used during code red drills. They will supply the materials and have an example of what is needed.

3. Clean out and redo flower beds at the entrance of the school.

Huddleston Elementary1. Landscape Upkeep – courtyard and front of building.

2. Help in Media Center shelving books.

Kedron Elementary1. Take fresh baked cookies to front office.

2. Take cookie cake (Publix/Sam’s) for entire staff.

PTC Elementary1. Paint car on lower playground.

2. Take fresh baked cookies to front office.

3. Take cookie cake (Publix/Sam’s) for entire staff.

Booth Middle1. Pressure wash the front of the gym annex building.

2. Pressure wash the front sidewalk area.

3. Re-paint the fire lane curb (red).

4. Paint and do minor repairs to press box.

McIntosh High1. Decorate atrium/lobby with live plants and planters.

2. Take fresh baked cookies to front office.

3. Take cookie cake (Publix/Sam’s) for entire staff.

City of PTC1. PAC – Paint dug-out seats at 8-10 fields; Hoe baselines. Thursday and Friday, meet at PTC Athletic Complex (Hwy. 74 South) 9:00 am.

2. PAC – Paint partitions in men’s and women’s restroom (middle pinwheel). Thursday and Friday, meet at PTC Athletic Complex (Hwy. 74 South) 9:00 am.

3. Various subdivision entrances – spread mulch. Thursday and Friday, meet at PTC Athletic Complex (Hwy. 74 South) 9:00 am.

4. Repair stair platforms at PTC Recycling on McIntosh Trail. Tuesday-Friday (1/23-1/26). Meet at PTC Recycling on McIntosh Trail at 9:00 am daily.

5. Stickers to be placed on all Stormwater Drains in PTC. Meet at Keep PTC Beautiful office at 209 McIntosh Trail, on Thursday at 2:00 pm.

PTC Police Dept1.Railroad ties at obstacle course removed.

2.Clean-up around obstacle course.

3.Spray tires at obstacle course.

4.Repair “A” frame at obstacle course.

PTC Fire Dept1. Take fresh baked cookies to front office.

2. Take cookie cake (Publix/Sam’s) for entire staff.

3. Provide lunch on any or all three days.