The Bridge 10th Anniversary Celebration

    Sunday, September 30 ~ 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM ~ The Bridge

    The Bridge Community Center is 10 years old! We will be celebrating this momentous anniversary on Sunday, September 30, from 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM. We will have only Sunday service that day at 10:30 AM at The Bridge.

    Life Groups: ALL Life Groups will happen at 9:00 AM on this Sunday!

    9:00 AM Adult Groups – No changes – regular locations at 9:00 AM.

    10:30 AM Adults Groups 

        • Singles 50+ | Teacher: Interim | Location: Bridge Room 902
        • 50+ | Teachers:  Lynn Hume/Chris Curtis | Location: Bridge Room 913
        • 50+ | Teachers:  Wade & Robin Gaddy | Location: Bridge Room 904
        • 50+ | Teachers:  Bill & Hazel Roll | Location: Bridge Room 926
        • Multi-Generational | Teachers: Leighton & Becky Haselgrove | Location: Fellowship Hall Room 808/809
        • 60+ | Teachers: Noel & Verie Foster (Teaching Team) | Location: Bridge Rooms 906/908
        • 60+ | Teachers: Bill & Tyra Elliott  Location: Bridge Room 927
        • 60+ | Teachers: Tom & Marsha Mullins | Location:  Bridge Room 925
        • 70+ | Teachers: Tom Beckham/Dan Roysden | Location: Bridge Room 924
        • 70+ | Teachers: Dottie Stiles/Gene Holder Bridge Game Room

    Students – Middle School and High School students will meet in the sanctuary on the main campus at 9 AM.

    Children – 5th grade will meet as usual at 9:00 AM and be in the service at The Bridge at 10:30 AM.

    Preschool No changes – regular locations.

    Worship Service – One service only at 10:30 AM in The Bridge gym.

    Lunch – We will have food trucks at The Bridge where you may purchase lunch.

    Festivities – We will have a fire truck, police representatives, and inflatable bouncy houses.

    Please direct additional questions to your Life Group leaders.