FBC Peachtree Facility Use Policy and Request
The facilities and equipment of FBC exist for the primary purpose of being used by its members through its organizations and ministries for Gospel and disciple-making opportunities.

The following guidelines are set forth for building and facilities usage. Those requesting use for the purpose of a wedding, refer to the wedding policy guidelines. Those requesting use of Bridge Community Center facilities should contact them directly.

  1. Who may use the Church (in order of priority)?
    1. FBC church groups or church members using the facilities as part of the ministry of the church. This would include those supported through LIFE Groups, FBC committees and the state and national Southern Baptist Convention. No charge.
    2. Groups that come as invited guests of the congregation of First Baptist Church. No charge.
    3. Service, civic and charitable organizations supported through the missions endeavors of the church will be considered for use without charge for short-term use only.
    4. Church facilities may be reserved for use for city, county, etc. events such as election polls, funerals for military service members and police/fire, based on special approval by the Executive Pastor and Director of Operations.
  2. Who may not use the Church Facilities?
    1. Partisan political groups
    2. Groups or individuals operating for commercial gain
    3. Organizations or individuals whose activities and/or mission are in conflict with the mission and doctrine of First Baptist Church. (See Baptist Faith and Message 2000)
  3. Procedures and Guidelines for Scheduling Facilities
    1. Potential groups wishing to use the church facilities should contact the church office and complete the building use request form. (Available on the church website.)
    2. Scheduled meetings of FBC will take precedence over all other requests.
    3. Responsible adult supervision must be with the group at all times when facilities are in use.
    4. All minor children must be supervised by an adult.
    5. As a general rule, facilities may not be reserved more than 30 days in advance, except for weddings. Exceptions must be approved by the Executive Pastor / Director of Operations.
  4. Kitchen Use
    1. Anyone wanting to use the kitchen facilities must have the approval of the Director of Operations, who will determine if a staff or Kitchen team representative will need to be present during use. They will also determine the fees on a case by case basis.
    2. In case of breakage or damage to kitchen materials, the responsible party is expected to correct or pay for the damage, with building damage deposit applying. (See Fees & Charges attached)
    3. Every group, including catering services, is expected to leave the kitchen and its equipment clean and in place as it was found. Due to insurance guidelines, outside caterers are not allowed to cook with church equipment in the kitchen.
    4. Individual members or responsible organizations should be responsible for table clothes, dishes, etc. Dishes, utensils, and glasses should be cleaned and returned to the appropriate storage before leaving the facility after the event. Table clothes are to be professionally cleaned, pressed, and returned within 1 week. (Members only)
    5. Nonmembers are responsible for providing linens, utensils, glasses and dishes, etc.
  5. Use of Equipment
    1. Any use of audio-visual equipment in the Worship Center / Fellowship Hall requires an adequately trained member of the audio-visual team or staff member approved by the Technical Director from First Baptist Church. The audio visual equipment will only be operated by an approved trained person. (See Fees & Charges attached)
    2. The use of additional audio visual equipment, including the availability of a computer and/or PowerPoint, will require the use of an audio/visual team member or qualified staff member. For members and non-members, a fee will be incurred for the use of an audio visual tech.

Approval Guidelines for the space request use shall be as follows:

  1. All activities shall be approved pending availability of space within ministry priorities and must be consistent with First Baptist Church’s doctrine, mission, and and the building use philosophy.
  2. No event will be placed on the calendar until the form has been submitted and approved by the appropriate person(s).
  3. The pastors/worship leaders must approve of all worship related activities.
  4. The pastoral staff must approve all weddings prior to them being entered on the church calendar.
  5. The Director of Operations and/or Executive Pastor must approve all other usage.
  6. Requests from outside groups longer than three months ahead of the use date (with the exception of weddings) must be approved by the Director of Operations and/or Executive Pastor.
  7. Long-term impact on the facility and equipment will be taken into consideration as part of the approval process.
  8. A custodian is normally on duty during regular business hours (Mon-Thurs 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.). If building usage is requested for after regular business hours, the ministry group leader (or sponsoring staff member) will serve as the church’s representative if questions or needs arise during the event. The group leader is responsible for all aspects of the event including set-up, clean up, security, etc.

Facility Use Guidelines and Expectations

  1. The conduct of all persons attending programs is expected to be respectful of the property, maintaining noise levels that respect others in adjoining spaces.
  2. Activities and programs are limited to the space that is reserved.
  3. Dining or the serving of food is limited to pre-approved designated areas – check with Director of Operations.
  4. The user is expected to leave the building clean and in the same condition it was in prior to the event and must remove all items associated with their program immediately following the event.
  5. If furniture or equipment is to be moved, it must be done with the permission of the Director of Operations and/or Executive Pastor in order to maintain the quality of the building’s furniture and equipment to prevent damage.
  6. All decorations in the facility and on the grounds of First Baptist Church must be approved by the Director of Operations and/or Executive Pastor. No items may be affixed to any surfaces without prior consent.
  7. The user will be held responsible for any damage to church property.
  8. The user assumes liability for injuries to persons attending the event and for damages or loss of user’s property.
  9. Programs in the Worship Center and/or Fellowship Hall that require the use of the sound system must have one of the church’s Sound Technicians on duty. This service will be included in the usage fee.
  10. When children are in attendance, they must be under the supervision of their parents or adults at all times and are not permitted to leave the reserved event area. All children or youth activities shall be supervised by a minimum of two (2) adults over the age of 21 at all times.
  11. The following items are not allowed in or on church property:
    1. Weapons
    2. Alcoholic beverages
    3. Tobacco products
    4. Controlled substances/drugs
    5. Animals (except approved service animals)
    6. Anything inconsistent with First Baptist Church’s mission and beliefs.
  12. KEYS must be picked up during regularly scheduled office hours (Mon – Thurs 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.) unless prior arrangements have been made.
  13. Willful disregard of any guidelines or regulations could lead to the loss of eligibility to use the facility.