Dear Church Family,

On behalf of the leadership of the church, I want to update you on the current measures being undertaken by our church in response to the continued concern for the rapidly evolving COVID-19 situation and its potential effect on our community.

We have been in consultation with state and federal officials, as well as with medical professionals within our church family, to seek their insights, guidance, and recommendations in how we should respond and engage the needs of our church family and community. Additionally, we are keeping a close eye on all of the current confirmed and possible cases of Coronavirus in Georgia, including all potential cases in Fayette and Coweta Counties.

At this time, and subject to change depending on how this situation evolves, the church leadership believes prudence with cautious practicality is the wisest course of action. Therefore, we are going to alter and trim down our current schedule to ensure we all stay as healthy as possible yet still be Great Commission ministry focused. With this in mind, expect to receive a series of 3 emails addressing the church’s response to the Coronavirus outbreak.

Within the next few days, we will be creating a link on our church website (, sending emails, updating the e-news, and making phone calls to effectively communicate to the church our intentions. Please remember that this is an unprecedented event and therefore it is subject to change as circumstance necessitate.

At this time, our plan of action is as follows:.

Sunday Services

This Sunday, March 15, 2020, we will have church and LIFE Groups according to our normal schedule at 9:00 and 10:30 AM. We are strongly encouraging anyone who is medically fragile, physically frail, or sick to remain at home where they can live stream the services at or watch from the media archives page. Additionally, if you have recently traveled outside of the country or have been on a cruise, we respectfully request that you quarantine yourself for two weeks prior to returning to church.

Likewise, we will be mobilizing our LIFE Group leaders, care teams, and deacons to regularly engage all church members to ensure member care and to attend to the physical, financial, and spiritual needs of our church family.

While this is subject to change, please know that we are preparing to hold an on-line service if it is required.

The Bridge Community Center

As a matter of safety, the Bridge will also be closed during this time beginning Monday, March 16 until April 13, subject to be extended if necessary.

MID-Week Services

Starting this Monday, March 16, ALL non-essential ministry programs and events will be suspended until Monday, April 13 or until further notice. While more detail is still to come, this means that BSF on Monday evenings, Ladies Bible Study on Tuesday mornings, Wednesday night services, ESL on Thursdays, and Job Seekers on Friday mornings will be temporarily suspended.

Church Ministry Calendar

Likewise, we will be postponing all ministry events currently scheduled after this weekend. The next email and the website will discuss these event changes.

Weekday Ministry

At this time, we are closely monitoring what is happening with our Fayette and Coweta public schools. In the event that the schools cancel classes, we will cancel our weekday ministry as well. Until such decision is made, we will remain operational with a heightened level of cleanliness and communication with participating families.

Benevolence Needs

At such a time as this in our culture, we are certain to have unexpected needs arise both within our church family and out in our community. We recognize that some people might have limited income or even lose their jobs due to the changes in our world. Should the need arise, we are committed to ministering to the needs around us starting with those within our congregation. Please prayerfully consider both your faithful stewardship of your tithes and offerings as well as going above and beyond to meet the benevolence needs in our community.

Church family, we are absolutely in unprecedented times in my lifetime. Yet this is not a time to have great fear; but a time to have great faith. It is not a time to shrink; but a time to stand tall. In times like this, this is when the church can shine. This is when the church can become the hands and feet of Jesus to truly meet people at the point of their need. I share this with you so that, you can pray. So, you can serve. So, you can give to participate in the work of Christ.

Back in Roman times, when epidemic an arose, the healthy and wealthy would often run from the calamity to what they believed was safety. More often than not, it was the church who stayed behind to minister Christ by meeting people at the point of their need. As a result, the love of Christ was revealed through the touch and words of His followers. People were influenced to Jesus and to His grace through the expression of His love through His church. Church, this is what we have been saved for! We are made for times of uncertainty and concern. So, what can we do? We can pray. We can engage. We can share the love of God with others through our action and using words when necessary.

What does this mean? It means pray. It means that we must draw close to God. It means that we must operate not out of a spirit of fear, but a Spirit of power, love, and discipline – knowing that our labor will not be in vain.

Finally, take good care of yourself and be smart about your movements. And in the instance you should become infected with the COVID-19 virus, please contact the church as soon as possible so that we can protect our entire church family and make preparations to minister to your family.

I look forward to serving the Lord with you, caring for one another, and seeking God’s Kingdom and righteousness together. May God do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine in us, for us, and through us.


Pastor Joey