In times of uncertainty, we all understand that people’s lives can be thrown out of sync and that needs will arise that are out of the norm. As a church family, this gives us the opportunity to rise the occasion for one another and for our neighbors. Yet often times, if we are unaware of the need, it makes it difficult for us to respond in a timely and appropriate manner. At this time, we are assembling people and resources who will be ready, willing, and able to provide assistance as needed as we are able to help. While we might not be able to assist in every way, we are hopeful to assist in some way both for church members and our friends in the community. Our priority is to help church members as much as possible and people outside of our church as we are able.

Financial Needs

At this time, we have set up a separate fund entitled A245 (based on Acts 2:45) to assist families within our congregation who might have financial needs arise due to reduced hours at work or a loss of income. Any proceeds received will be used to assist with offsetting food and bills for these families. Any assistance is greatly appreciated. You can give your support through our online giving portal by selecting the A245 box.

With regard to community needs, we are working with the Healing Bridge Clinic and Life South Blood Mobile with medical assistance and with the Fayette County Board of Education and Kedron Elementary for food distribution. There is a good possibility that other opportunities might arise over the next few day and weeks. If you would like to offer financial support for any of these community needs, we are assisting with during this time, you can give to the Shower the Tree fund.

Physical Needs

Another way that you can join in to care for our church family and community is the giving of your time to help meet a need. Below you will find teams and resources being assembled to help to meet people at the point of their need. Please click on the button below to signup and connect as you are able to engage in ministering to our church family and community.

  • Run errands for people who cannot get out.
  • Provide transportation.
  • Talk with people over the phone and send emails.
  • Volunteer as needed.
  • Pray.

Blood Drive

LifeSouth is a community blood center, meaning the blood collected from our donors directly serves the needs of patients in our community. As a blood donor, you are a part of a team of individuals helping save the lives of patients in our community.

To give blood you must be in good health, 17 years-old or older or 16-year-old with parental permission, weigh at least 110 pounds and show a valid photo I.D.

Please join First Baptist Church of Peachtree City for an EMERGENCY BLOOD DRIVE on the following dates:

  • Friday, March 27th from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Thursday, April 2nd  from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Thursday, April 9th  from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Individuals must sign up for a 30 minute slot before arriving.