
Day 14



Acts 13.1-52

This chapter tells of the first missionary journey. The Holy Spirit selects Saul/Paul and Barnabas and sends them out. They certainly don’t know exactly what is going to happen when they leave their home base and venture out. They travel to Cyprus and go to the city of Paphos where they immediately run into opposition. Witchcraft! The Holy Spirit, who Jesus says guides us into all truth, points out the sorcerer to them, and they prophesy against him. And then these radical brothers for the Lord go to a synagogue where they are asked to get up and preach. These brothers begin to recount the whole history of Israel and the message of Jesus to the Jews who were listening to this new and totally awesome Word. They are invited back and this time the whole city comes to hear them. Some people rise up in opposition to the message of Jesus, but these brothers hold true and keep on preachin’! The work that the Holy Spirit sent them to do was accomplished because we read that “The message about the Lord spread all over this region” (v 49). These guys were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit, and they shared it with those who would listen.


Are you asking God to help you be radical? Are you asking God to fill you with the Holy Spirit so you can be sold out for God?


God, I like where I am, but you, Lord, may have others plans for me. If you want me to go somewhere like you did Paul and Barnabas, please let me know. Thank you, Lord—I can always count on you to talk to me