As we regather for age-graded ministry on Sunday mornings, here are a few bits of information:

  1. If you are attending an online or off-campus Life Group:
  • Please consider attending the 8:30 AM or 9:45 AM Worship Service. The 11:00 AM service has been near capacity for the past few weeks.
  • Families who have children in our Preschool or Children’s ministry and whose Life Group meets online or off-campus may check your child in between 9:30 and 9:45 and then walk over to the Bridge for Worship. You might also choose to attend the 8:30 AM worship service and serve somewhere at 9:45 AM while your child attends Preschool or Children’s ministry.
  1. For our Life Group members who are attending an on-campus group at 9:45 AM and have children:
  • Your children will be in Preschool, Children or Student ministry while your Life Group meets, but they could attend worship service with you at either 8:30 AM or 11:00 AM.
  1. Life Groups do not have to attend a particular service together as we were previously requesting. Now we are asking families to register for the service of their choice, while encouraging as many as possible to choose either the 8:30 AM or 9:45 AM worship service.

We are praying for a continued great regathering and sustaining ministry in this post-pandemic world. We are seeing what many churches around the country are experiencing: The development of a horizontal approach to ministry rather than a vertical approach. The vertical approach is about programming church activities around a Sunday-morning-only schedule for groups and worship. However, we are experiencing the development of a horizontal approach to ministry that has been sorely needed. The horizontal approach is about programming beyond Sunday-morning-only so that groups and ministry occur throughout the week and take place in the communities where the congregation lives. It moves us away from a come-and-see approach to a go-and-tell approach. If there is anything this pandemic has taught us, it is that unbelievers are not coming to us but are still open to communication if we are willing to build a relationship with them where they live.

Child Care Availability

8:30 AM Service

  • Preschool care available for children 2 yrs. of age and under in the Preschool Ministry area on the Main Campus.

9:45 AM Service

  • Preschool large and small group experience available in our Preschool Ministry area on the Main Campus

9:45 to 10:45 (For the following programs children must be picked up at 10:45)

  • Elementary (K-5th) Children’s small group experience available in the Children’s Ministry area on the Main Campus
  • Middle School group available at The Bridge Room 906/908 from
  • High School group available at The Bridge Room 912/913

11:00 AM Service

  • Preschool care available for children 2 yrs. of age and under in the Preschool Ministry area on the Main Campus.