Unleashed: As You Go – Pray

But Jesus said, “Let her alone; why do you trouble her? She has performed a good service for me.” Mark 14:6

Jesus’ model of leadership is so very different from what we have been taught and modeled in our modern age. Jesus modeled a servant attitude and putting others before himself. He never doubted his abilities or mission because His focus wasn’t on dispersing information, seeking a position or setting in motion a new political movement. His focus was solely upon life-changing transformation through His mission of redemption by His resurrection.

The key to true leadership is found in Jesus. “You are to lead by a different model. If you want to be the greatest one, then live as one called to serve others. The path to promotion and prominence comes by having the heart of a bond-slave who serves everyone.” (Mark 10:43-44 The Passion Translation)

Jesus’ model of leadership is so critical in this election year. Unfortunately, so many of the men and women running for office are career politicians, who have spent their energy in seeking political success for their own motivation. Jesus set an example on how you can truly impact your world. “For even the Son of Man did not come expecting to be served by everyone, but to serve everyone, and to give his life as the ransom price in exchange for the salvation of many.” (Mark 10:45)

You listen to the evening news and begin to think what impact you can have on the events of the day. You most likely will not run for public office. You may not have the unlimited financial resources of a George Soros or a Charles Koch to impact political direction. You may not have the name recognition of a Hollywood elite to influence opinions. However, what you do have is a relationship with a God who does have ultimate influence.

A most significant encounter is recorded in Mark 14 that will set in motion the final unveiling of Jesus’ purpose. Mark shares the story of a woman who breaks all social norms and etiquette when she pours an alabaster jar of costly perfume over Jesus. The religious and social elite go berserk, reprimanding her for this waste but even more, her impetuous action. This solidifies Judas’ plan to betray Jesus, since his hope for a political messiah is dashed. This powerless woman’s action set in motion the betrayal that would lead to Jesus’ crucifixion. It is a simple act of love and devotion that would have life changing significance. Jesus knew the power of this act when he praised her by saying, “She has done what she could; she has anointed my body beforehand for its burial. Truly I tell you, wherever the good news is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will be told in remembrance of her.” (Mark 14:8-9)

“Self-realization leads to the enthronement of work; whereas the saint enthrones Jesus Christ in his work. Whether it be eating or drinking or washing disciples’ feet, whatever it is, we have to take the initiative to realize Jesus Christ in it. Every phase of our actual life has its counterpart in the life of Jesus. Our Lord realized His relationship to the Father even in the most menial work.” (Oswald Chambers)

In the midst of chaos and uncertainty, God gives hope to our world because of the impact you can make. Never lose heart, knowing what you do does have a life changing impact on our world. Time in prayer will have greater impact that the most connected social media influencer. An act of kindness from you can be the door into a hardened heart. A gentle response you give could open the conversation for a person to come to know Jesus.

God is great,

Pastor Lynn