Unleashed: As You Go – Pray

While Paul and Barnabas were in Antioch, some false teachers came from Judea to trouble the believers. They taught, “unless you are circumcised, as the law of Moses requires, you cannot be saved.” Acts 15:1

The battle for the truth that frees every man, woman and child continues to be fought just like it was in the first days of the early church.  There have been and continue to be those who teach a “Jesus is not enough” theology. They will agree that Jesus is important but there is always something missing that you need to do to be saved.

In this current page of history, the battle seems to grow more intense each day for the souls of each person. Just one in three adults believe salvation is only through Jesus Christ.  “New research shows that unlike past generations, who readily recognized the reality of sin and the need for salvation through Jesus Christ, American adults today increasingly adopt a “salvation-can-be-earned” perspective, with a plurality of adults believing that if a person is generally good, or does enough good things during their life, they will “earn” a place in Heaven.” (Cultural Research Center)

Luke shares an early account of a faith vs works debate in Actus 15. “Then some of the believers who belonged to the party of the Pharisees stood up and said, “The Gentiles must be circumcised and required to keep the law of Moses.” (v5) Paul and Barnabas engaged in a heated exchange with this group of believers who taught a “works plus Jesus” salvation.

The ways of tradition and religious laws will always seek to place their heavy yoke of bondage on people. The same is true in our current generation. According to the 2020 American Worldview Inventory the report states that, “a majority of people who describe themselves as Christian (52%) accept a works-oriented means to God’s acceptance. Even more shocking, however, is that huge proportions of people associated with churches whose official doctrine says eternal salvation comes only from embracing Jesus Christ as savior, and not from being or doing good, believe that a person can qualify for Heaven by being or doing good.”

The study goes on to highlight some of the popular beliefs:

  • There is no absolute moral truth (58%)
  • Basis of truth are factors or sources other than God (58%)
  • Right and wrong is determined by factors other than the Bible (77%)
  • The Bible is not the authoritative and true word of God (59%)
  • People are basically good (69%)
  • The personal definition of success is not based on consistent obedience to God (79%)

Thankfully, God has consistently raised up teachers and leaders over the course of church history who could point people to the truth. They have stood, as Peter stood that day and recounted the truth of a “Jesus-only” salvation. “Now then, why do you try to test God by putting on the necks of Gentiles a yoke that neither we nor our ancestors have been able to bear? No! We believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved, just as they are.” (v10-11)

P.T. Forsyth wrote that we “do not tell people how they ought to feel towards Christ. That is useless. It is just what they ought that they cannot do. Preach a Christ that will make them feel as they ought.”  It is Jesus Christ that we proclaim. Frank Viola writes that “The apostolic message of Century One was so powerful that it brought Christ and His love to life before its hearers.”

Lord, I desire to see the power of Christ dramatically impacting the lives of people, culture, nation and world.  I pray that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is proclaimed fully as the way of salvation.


God is great,

Pastor Lynn