Unleashed: As You Go – Pray

Unleashed – As You Go – Pray

“When I had nothing, desperate and defeated, I cried out to the Lord and he heard me, bringing his miracle—deliverance when I needed it most.” Psalm 34:6 (TPT)

“I begin to suspect that the world is divided not only into the happy and the unhappy, but into those who like happiness and those who, odd as it seems, really don’t.” Very poignant words written by C.S. Lewis to his brother Warren in 1940. Lewis’s words still seem to be accurate as it relates to the current state of happiness. According to a Harris poll, only one in three Americans say they’re “very happy.” “According to the 2019 World Happiness Report, negative feelings are rising around the world—and the United States is particularly hard-hit with an “epidemic of addictions.” The same report ranks the United States at only number 19 of “happiest countries” in the world.

I wonder how David would answer the “poll taker” if asked the question, “Are you happy?” I wonder if he would pause for a few minutes and think about his circumstances? I wonder if he would think about everything he has lost? David was probably at the lowest point of his life. A few months before he had been in the inner circle of King Saul, now he was hiding in a dark, cold cave of Adullam. He had been the subject of a hit musical, “Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands.” David had been forced to say farewell to his most trusted and caring friend, Jonathan, and was now being chased by professional assassins of Saul with one purpose, to kill him. He had to play the fool in front of King Achish so he could escape.  Are you happy, David?

I think David would look at the” poll taker” and, for his answer, gently begin singing the words of Psalm 34:

“I will extol the LORD at all times; his praise will always be on my lips.

I will glory in the LORD; let the afflicted hear and rejoice.

Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt his name together.

I sought the LORD and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.

Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.

This poor man called, and the LORD heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles.

The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.”

David continues the song finally ending with the words, “The LORD will rescue his servants; no one who takes refuge in him will be condemned.”

David never had the opportunity to celebrate the “International Day of Happiness” that the United Nations proclaimed for March 20 of each year. He wouldn’t fully comprehend how only one in three Americans could be happy. What David fully understood was that, regardless of the circumstances, the best recourse is to praise our way out of difficulties and into the light.

These thoughts came to my mind the other morning in my prayer time as I meditated on these verses:

When I find myself jealous of what others have — thank God for what I have.

When I find myself fearful — look to the God of all creation as my source of strength.

When I find myself overwhelmed — turn my load over to Jesus.

When I find myself worrying — trust God who feeds the sparrows.

When I find myself uncertain — let God, take the lead.

When I have unholy thoughts — give them to God to redeem.

“The Lord is close to all whose hearts are crushed by pain, and he is always ready to restore the repentant one.” Psalm 34:10 (TPT)

God is great,

Pastor Lynn