Unleashed: As You Go – Pray

 “But I know the loving God will redeem my soul, raising me up from the dark power of death, taking me as his bridal partner.” Psalm 49:15

In a couple of weeks our nation will select men and women who will become the leaders of this nation. Ballots will be marked out of heartfelt convictions, anger, party loyalty or fear as we give individuals positions of power and authority. Some will become leaders who use their power wisely. Others will abuse their stations.

However, Psalm 49 is a powerful reminder that what is important is not the wealth of the world, the power of the moment, or the influence of politics—all these things will eventually vanish. The only remaining reminders will be streets named after the dead and lifeless monuments where birds come to roost. The real riches of life are found in God. He reveals the wisdom that will live forever.

Frank Viola shares the story of a young French pastor conducting visits in the homes of his congregants. At one of the houses, the wife was away so he was able to talk only with the husband. Upon returning home, the wife blasted her husband with questions about the pastor.

What did he say? “, she asked.

He asked,Does Christ live here?”, the husband replied. “He didn’t really ask me anything else. Just,Does Christ live here?”

“Well, surely you told him that we are the church’s biggest supporters?” she replied.

He didn’t ask that,” the husband repeated. “He only asked,Does Christ live here?”

Her response was, “Well, you must have told him that we read our Bible and say our prayers every day?”

Once again, the husband replied, “He only asked, Does Christ live here?”

Well, did you tell him that we attend his services every Sunday and sit in the front?” the wife persisted.

He didn’t ask about that. He only wanted to know, “Does Christ live here?”

The Psalmist reminds us “The brightest and best, along with the foolish and senseless, God sees that they all will die one day, leaving their houses and wealth to the others. Even though they name streets and lands after themselves, hoping to have their memory endure beyond the grave, legends in their own minds, their home address is now the cemetery! The honor of man is short-lived and fleeting. There is little difference between man and beast, for both will one day perish. Such is the path of foolish men and those who quote everything they say, for they are here today and gone tomorrow! (49:10-13 TPT)

History will record the results of the election. Commentators will talk endlessly about the results. Those who won will be elated. Those who lost will be deflated. Yet how quickly the results will vanish from the news. The next day will be another story, and the next day, another story ad infinitum. However, the real story that begs an answer is, “Does Christ live here?”

For this is the only question that God will someday ask of the rich, the powerful, the poor and the destitute: “Does Christ live here?”


God is great,

Pastor Lynn