Unleashed: As You Go – Pray

Let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace.” Colossians 3:15

It is fast approaching two weeks since the elections, yet some locations are still counting ballots, others are in the midst of doing or planning recounts and lawsuits are being filed. If you had asked me last Tuesday night who won, I would give you the same answer as today, I WON!

I won because I am alive, in good health, just had a good meal and am blessed with a wonderful family. Unfortunately, not everyone around the world can make this statement.

I won because I live in a nation where all citizens have the freedom to cast their vote regardless of race, religion, economic status or birthplace. Unfortunately, there are nations where is not the case.

I won because I will not let a politician, political party or political direction come between me and my family, me and my fellow church members or my trust in God. Unfortunately, not everyone in our nation fits in this category.

I won because I know lasting change will not result from the actions of those same politicians, political parties or political directions but instead is a result of the transformed lives of individuals like you and me who follow Jesus.

I won because I refuse to be pulled down into the cesspool of anger, hatred or despair. It’s a nasty place to live.

I won even though there are issues which I strongly disagree with that will probably require me to pray harder, work harder, become more involved and voice my concerns more often.

I won because even though some bad decisions will be made from those elected, there will be some good decisions made for which I can be thankful.

I won because the God I serve will always be greater than any politician, political party or political direction. My fate is not in their hands but in the hands of one who loved the world enough to give His only Son that we could have everlasting life.

I don’t know which candidates you wanted to win or lose on November 3 but I hope post-election you are still telling your family members you love them, that you are enjoying your daily times with God and that you are not allowing fear to overwhelm you. Maybe you also are even in a place, regardless of the poll numbers, that you can say, I WON!

Send us out all over the world so that everyone everywhere will discover your ways and know who you are and see your power to save. Let all the nations burst forth with praise; let everyone everywhere love and enjoy you! Then how glad the nations will be when you are their King. They will sing, they will shout, for you give true justice to the people. Yes! You, Lord, are the shepherd of the nations!” Psalm 67:2-4

God is great,

Pastor Lynn