One of the beauties about connecting with a Life Group is the community it brings into your life. The Lord never intended for us to live the Christian life in isolation. Acts 2:42-47 shows us how the early church came together for worship, fellowship, and ministry. Those elements continue to drive our Life Groups to this day. We come together to worship through bible study and prayer. We come together to fellowship through interpersonal, accountable relationships. We come together for ministry to the body of Christ and to the community around us. God takes care of the growth as we become his hands and feet.

There may be extraordinary times when this community cannot happen. During these times, we may not be able to meet face-to-face but we can stay connected in community through worship, fellowship and ministry. Below are some resources for you to stay connected and make the most of the uniqueness of these days.


There are some trusted websites that can be a great resource for you and your family:

Podcasts: Matt Chandler, Tim Keller, R.C. Sproul, Alistair Begg, TGC (The Gospel Coalition), RZIM (Ravi Zacharias International Ministries), Love Worth Finding (Adrian Rogers), Tony Evans (Urban Alternative) are a few trusted sources.

Prayer and Bible Reading: Choose a Bible book and slowly read through each paragraph underlining important words and phrases. Pray through the application and look for places where you need to change. Journal when you can using the GROW acronym (What Grabbed You? What did you Realize about God and people? How would you Own this passage (or apply this truth)? How will you Walk out at least one truth this week?


There are ways for your group to be connected even when you cannot meet together face-to-face. Here are a few platforms available to you:

  • – Conference calling free up to 100 people. Video conferencing for up to 8 free.
  • – Another free video platform for up to eight people. More by phone.

Smaller Group Gatherings – get a group of men or women in small groups of three or four to meet for bible study, prayer and accountability. Make sure no one has been exposed to another person who is sick. Find a good, clean environment.


Opportunities on the Website

Check out our website ( for details about how you can serve others in our church and community

Opportunities within your Life Group

Your Life Group will have individuals and families who will need rides, food, pick ups, a caring phone call, encouragement…you name it. Let your group leader know you are available.

Opportunities within your Neighborhood

There is no better place to show the love of Jesus than in your own neighborhood. There are people living all around you who are not connected to a church family and they may not be a follower of Jesus Christ. This is where Jesus calls us – to the people living right around us. Your neighborhood is your Jerusalem.

Three ways to reach the people you need:

  1. Call your Life Group Leader/Deacon
  2. Call or Email our church office (770.487.8133)
  3. Check out the website: