April 30, 2022

Dear Friends,

The Lord is gracious and good all the time!  Some days are easy to celebrate, and others are challenging. In all things we praise Him and trust His work for those who love Him and seek to follow Him.  I pray that each of you will know the Lord in a personal relationship and His goodness in your life.


MINISTERING TO REFUGEES – This lunch meeting was this past Thursday.  Our presenters did a great job of sharing vision, updates, practical ways to engage & minister, and resources.  We had 34 persons from 19 churches/organizations.  Pray for more engagement, expanding networks and more churches to get involved in ministering to the nations among us.

HISPANIC ENGLISH LANGUAGE CLASSES – We have one more teaching class this Wednesday night and then on May 18th a family night of celebration to close out this year.  Pray for this special time and that we can continue to share the love of Christ and encourage our students and their families.

MEETING WITH CHURCHES – I continue to have many opportunities to meet with leaders (paid and lay) from our churches to do demographic studies, consider strategies for reaching their community, encouragement, and training. Pray for God to bless these times for the growth of His people and His Kingdom. Ask that I might have wisdom as I work with them and plan other ministries to assist our churches in the future.


MAY 16-21 – I will be flying to Orlando for an Emeriti ‘M’ Retreat on 18th-21st.  I am going a little early to visit with family in the area.  Ask that this time will be a time of fun with family and friends.  Ask that the time with former co-workers will be filled with good re-connections, hearing updates from around the world and inspiration for continuing to reach the lost wherever God puts us.


I know that each of you have those who are important in your family, friends and co-workers that are facing challenges. In the last couple of weeks several of these in my life are facing great challenges.  I ask your prayers for each one listed below.  If you have those in your life, please email and I will be glad to pray for them.

Whitney – a friend and wife of co-worker was recently diagnosed with glioblastoma.  This weekend she is in the hospital with an infection that is yet to be discovered where it is coming from.  Please pray for the discovery of the location and type of infection, treatment and quick resolve. Pray for the treatment and journey with Glioblastoma.  Whitney is married to Travis and has 2 teenage daughters

Katie- a friend whose family has been great supporters and close friends for most of my time as an M.  I met her and her husband when they teenagers. Now married with 3 young boys they are faithful servants. This week she was diagnosed with cancer.  Tests are still being run to discover the specifics needed to determine treatment.  We do know it is very serious.  Please pray for answers from tests, development of an effective treatment, peace of heart and mind in the midst of the unknown and for her family.

Co-workers – 3 former co-workers from my overseas company I retired from have entered hospice this week.  Dan, Doug and Bill.


SURGERY UPDATE – Things have progressed well.  Last Tuesday my PT doctor said I had met all the protocols for full weight bearing without the assistance of a walker or scooter if I had my boot on. I am walking on my own 2 feet if the right one is in a boot. YEAH!!! This is ahead of schedule.  Thank you for your continued prayers.  I will be going back to the surgeon this Thursday, May 5. At that time, I hope to discover how much longer I have to wear the boot and when I can begin to walk without it which means to also driving myself again.

Thank you for your continued partnership in His work.


Bonita Wilson

GIVING – if you would like to make a gift toward salary or ministry needs, please see the info below. Your financial support allows me to continue to be On Mission in Knoxville. THANK YOU!! Financial gifts for support of salary or ministry budget may be sent thru one of the following ways.

On website at https://www.kcab.org/




Knox County Association of Baptists

For Nations & Neighbors

  1. O. Box 11028

Knoxville, TN 37939