On a Journey – FBC Peachtree City https://fbcptctwo.org Welcome Home Mon, 08 Aug 2022 14:53:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 07/31/2022 https://fbcptctwo.org/07-31-2022/ Mon, 08 Aug 2022 14:53:15 +0000 https://fbcptc.org/?p=13683 Greetings Friends,
I pray that this finds you rejoicing in the Lord and what He is doing in and through your life. God has reminded me again that whether in times of things working as I hope for or in times of challenges my joy is to be in Him. What a great privilege we are afforded as His children to have a personal relationship with the One True Living God. He brings joy deep within no matter the circumstances outside. One of the blessings He gives is each of you and how we share in all things together.
You have been faithfully praying, giving and supporting my ministry here in Knox County for almost 6 years. I want to invite you to pray about joining one of our ‘Partners Knoxville Tour’ this October. There will be 2 tours offered this fall (Oct 1-5 or Oct 4-7). Each tour will have a limit of 10 persons with no one church/organization having more than 2 representatives. The purpose of this trip is to give you some first-hand experiences and insights to the work, places, people you have been praying for in my ministry. It will also give us some time to fellowship together.
A very exciting part of either tour will be to participate in our Annual Meeting on the evening of Oct 4. This evening will be focused on celebrating what God is doing and looking forward to what/where He is leading us to be involved in the future. You will have the opportunity to meet leaders of the association and our churches. And we will have some good food!
A document with the ‘Overview Schedule’ and ‘Logistical Notes’ is attached to this newsletter. Please pre-register by September 20.
ELL CLASSES FOR HISPANICS – It is time for our English Language Learners (ELL) classes to begin. Aug 3, Wednesday, we will have our Orientation and Planning time with all working in our program this year. I have several new teachers/assistant teachers and could use a few more. PRAY for this time to bring unity and preparation for a good year. PRAY for God to be working in the hearts of those who are to come and be students. May He work out details with their work, family, transportation and time in order to be there. Our first class is Wednesday, Aug 10.
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS – Knox County Association of Baptists is working together with Knoxville International Network to begin a new initiative to connect international students with families in our churches for being a host family for this next year. PRAY as we try to start this new program in the next few weeks.
BRIDGE REFUGEES – PRAY for the continued search for a new director for this resettlement agency. PRAY that the person selected will have a heart for the Lord and be friendly toward churches working with them to care for refugee families.
PEOPLE GROUP NETWORKS – PRAY for wisdom as I seek to start/restart over the next few months our people group networks around our 10 Priority PGs of ENGAGE 10/10. This to bring churches with an interest in the work among a focus group together to reach that group in our area.
PRAYERS FOR FRIENDS – We all have friends and family who need special prayers. I ask that you pray for my friends listed below and that you will send me a note with the prayer needs you might have.
Mr. Bruce and his wife have prayed fervently for me many years. She passed a few years ago. He was 90 last Wed. He is having multiple health issues and ended up in the hospital. PRAY for his recovery and his children who are caring for him.
Katie is half way thru her chemo treatment. She had a Pet Scan on the 29th. PRAY as she continues the treatments that the after effects will not be bad, the meds will do what they need to do but nothing else, and for her family as they walk thru this journey with her.
Whitney continues to do well. PRAY that things remain in remission. Her oldest daughter is getting married Aug 27. PRAY that she has energy, strength and can enjoy all the pre-wedding activities and the wedding for this special time in their family.

FUNDING – PRAY as it is the beginning of the time to start meeting with churches and individuals about support for next year. ASK for God’s leading as to who to speak with and that their hearts would be in tune as well with what God is saying.
GIVING – if you would like to make a gift toward salary or ministry needs, please see the info below. Your financial support allows me to continue to be On Mission in Knoxville. THANK YOU!! Financial gifts for support of salary or ministry budget may be sent through one of the following ways.
On website at https://www.kcab.org/
Knox County Association of Baptists
For Nations & Neighbors
P. O. Box 11028
Knoxville, TN 37939

5/8/2022 https://fbcptctwo.org/5-8-2022/ Mon, 09 May 2022 18:04:34 +0000 https://fbcptc.org/?p=13196 Hello Friends,

A few updates and prayer requests  for this week.

UNITED AWAKENING BAPTIST CHURCH (Congolese) – After not being able to visit with this church since January I spent the day with them last Sunday. It was a great celebration of ordination of an associate pastor for the church.  Other churches in this network came and we celebrated with choirs, scripture, preaching and prayer.  PRAY for this growing congregation to grow deep in their faith and to be a bright light into the Congolese community in Knoxville.  Congolese are the largest group of refugees to be resettled into our county this year. PRAY for the provision of a van in good condition as the few people who have a car in the church make multiple trips to bring people to church and then again to take them home after the service.  This is an urgent and great need for growth of the church. PRAY for people who are willing to be a part of an English Language Learners program we want to start with the church. We need teachers, assistant teachers, and childcare workers.

BRIDGE REFUGEE SERVICES – resettle refugees coming into the States in the cities of Knoxville and Chattanooga. They are a non-profit but receive government funding. Their current Executive Director has announced her retirement.  We ask that you PRAY fervently for the selection of a new Executive Director.  ASK God for someone who is a strong believer to be selected.  The current, soon to be retiring Ex Dir, has made some guidelines that limits the involvement of believers and the church through their organization. We are engaging refugees in other ways. We want to do more in their first days of arrival and to work more easily with the organization.   Thank you for joining us in this prayer.

KCAB – PRAY for the work of our associational staff as we seek to know how to best serve our churches to further God’s Kingdom in this place. PRAY for wisdom as we seek to be sure we have God’s vision for today and for the future. PRAY for Spiritual Awakening in Knox County and beyond. I am trying to re-vision and seek better avenues or ways for the work God has called me to here. Please PRAY for me to put aside distractions, seek God fully and hear from Him about the future and His work here.

EMERITI M RETREAT – I will fly to Orlando on Monday, May 16th.  I have a few days of free time to enjoy the city and visit my niece & her family. On Wednesday afternoon I will join other Emeritus  Ms for a retreat. I am so looking forward to time with my mission family and catching up.  PRAY for this time together.

KATIE – Update – They have diagnosed her cancer as Aggressive B Cell Lymphoma.  She has received her first chemo treatment.  PRAY that the treatment will bring complete remission.  PRAY that her body tolerates the treatment.  PRAY for her husband, Jeremy, their 3 boys, and the extended family caring for them on this journey.

WHITNEY – update from last week – They discovered the infection to be at the site where they removed the brain tumor.  They cleaned it out and closed the site again.  She went home for a night but had to return to the hospital last night.  PRAY for healing, strength and peace. PRAY for her medical team to have wisdom and insight for the right treatment. PRAY for husband Travis, 2 teenage daughters and extended family.

FOOT UPDATE – Last Thursday I saw my surgeon again.  He was very pleased with the progress of healing.  I am now wearing regular shoes (he said no shoes from Walmart : ) and need good support). I  can also drive again. I have gained a new appreciation for the ability and freedom to walk and drive. This is 2 weeks earlier that the original plan.  There is still some healing to be completed to be 100% but it is close. There is a bit of pain/soreness and swelling with walking on it. That should improve with each day of walking and PT. Thank you, my friends, for supporting me on the journey.

Thank you for your prayers and support for the ministry and for me personally.  Please let me know how I can pray for you.




GIVING – if you would like to make a gift toward salary or ministry needs, please see the info below. Your financial support allows me to continue to be On Mission in Knoxville. THANK YOU!! Financial gifts for support of salary or ministry budget may be sent through one of the following ways.

On website at https://www.kcab.org/




Knox County Association of Baptists

For Nations & Neighbors

  1. O. Box 11028

Knoxville, TN 37939

April 30, 2022 https://fbcptctwo.org/april-30-2022/ Wed, 04 May 2022 18:23:57 +0000 https://fbcptc.org/?p=13150 Dear Friends,

The Lord is gracious and good all the time!  Some days are easy to celebrate, and others are challenging. In all things we praise Him and trust His work for those who love Him and seek to follow Him.  I pray that each of you will know the Lord in a personal relationship and His goodness in your life.


MINISTERING TO REFUGEES – This lunch meeting was this past Thursday.  Our presenters did a great job of sharing vision, updates, practical ways to engage & minister, and resources.  We had 34 persons from 19 churches/organizations.  Pray for more engagement, expanding networks and more churches to get involved in ministering to the nations among us.

HISPANIC ENGLISH LANGUAGE CLASSES – We have one more teaching class this Wednesday night and then on May 18th a family night of celebration to close out this year.  Pray for this special time and that we can continue to share the love of Christ and encourage our students and their families.

MEETING WITH CHURCHES – I continue to have many opportunities to meet with leaders (paid and lay) from our churches to do demographic studies, consider strategies for reaching their community, encouragement, and training. Pray for God to bless these times for the growth of His people and His Kingdom. Ask that I might have wisdom as I work with them and plan other ministries to assist our churches in the future.


MAY 16-21 – I will be flying to Orlando for an Emeriti ‘M’ Retreat on 18th-21st.  I am going a little early to visit with family in the area.  Ask that this time will be a time of fun with family and friends.  Ask that the time with former co-workers will be filled with good re-connections, hearing updates from around the world and inspiration for continuing to reach the lost wherever God puts us.


I know that each of you have those who are important in your family, friends and co-workers that are facing challenges. In the last couple of weeks several of these in my life are facing great challenges.  I ask your prayers for each one listed below.  If you have those in your life, please email and I will be glad to pray for them.

Whitney – a friend and wife of co-worker was recently diagnosed with glioblastoma.  This weekend she is in the hospital with an infection that is yet to be discovered where it is coming from.  Please pray for the discovery of the location and type of infection, treatment and quick resolve. Pray for the treatment and journey with Glioblastoma.  Whitney is married to Travis and has 2 teenage daughters

Katie- a friend whose family has been great supporters and close friends for most of my time as an M.  I met her and her husband when they teenagers. Now married with 3 young boys they are faithful servants. This week she was diagnosed with cancer.  Tests are still being run to discover the specifics needed to determine treatment.  We do know it is very serious.  Please pray for answers from tests, development of an effective treatment, peace of heart and mind in the midst of the unknown and for her family.

Co-workers – 3 former co-workers from my overseas company I retired from have entered hospice this week.  Dan, Doug and Bill.


SURGERY UPDATE – Things have progressed well.  Last Tuesday my PT doctor said I had met all the protocols for full weight bearing without the assistance of a walker or scooter if I had my boot on. I am walking on my own 2 feet if the right one is in a boot. YEAH!!! This is ahead of schedule.  Thank you for your continued prayers.  I will be going back to the surgeon this Thursday, May 5. At that time, I hope to discover how much longer I have to wear the boot and when I can begin to walk without it which means to also driving myself again.

Thank you for your continued partnership in His work.


Bonita Wilson

GIVING – if you would like to make a gift toward salary or ministry needs, please see the info below. Your financial support allows me to continue to be On Mission in Knoxville. THANK YOU!! Financial gifts for support of salary or ministry budget may be sent thru one of the following ways.

On website at https://www.kcab.org/




Knox County Association of Baptists

For Nations & Neighbors

  1. O. Box 11028

Knoxville, TN 37939

On a Journey 4/17/2022 https://fbcptctwo.org/on-a-journey-4-17-2022/ Mon, 18 Apr 2022 15:20:37 +0000 https://fbcptc.org/?p=13062 Happy Easter! I pray that you have had a great celebration of our Lord’s Resurrection.  I was able to participate in a wonderful Good Friday service at my church and then a day of celebration today.  Both have challenged me in my gratefulness of the great price that Christ paid in my place so that I might have eternal life in heaven with Him and that I might now have a relationship with the living God today!


  • KCAB hosted 2 booths at the TN WMU meeting with one having a special focus on work among refugees. I and a few others led a breakout session on how the church can be involve in reaching those God is bringing here. It was a great time of connecting and vision sharing.
  • April 28 I will be hosting a “Ministering to Refugees” luncheon and round table discussion.  I have invited several community and church leaders to share with the group along this topic.  PRAY THAT THOSE HE WANTS TO BE IN THE MEETING WILL ATTEND. ASK GOD TO LEAD THE DISCUSSION SO THAT WE MIGHT TOGETHER REACH THE NATIONS IN OUR AREA.
  • ENGAGE 10/10 – I hope to soon start building our networks around the 10 Priority People Groups.  We had started 2 groups just before the pandemic but they have not met past that initial meeting.  PRAY FOR FAVOR AND CHURCHES TO BE WILLING TO PARNTER AND NETWORK TOGETHER ON A FOCUSED PEOPLE GROUP


I have been asked to serve on the Board of Shepherd’s Staff. Their mission is to help churches fulfill their unique global vision by offering a broad range of essential services that help them send well. Shepherd’s Staff partners with churches from several different groups to assist the local church to be effective and strategic in being a sending church.  Learn more here https://ssmfi.org/ PRAY FOR GOD TO USE ME FOR HIS KINGDOM IN THIS ROLE.  ASK THAT I MIGHT BE A LEARNER AND A SERVANT IN THIS ROLE.


Thank you for your continued prayers. I had the cast removed and a boot put on April 7.  I began Physical Therapy for 2 times a week on April 12 to last for 6 weeks.  On Tuesday of this week, I will move from the knee scooter to a walker in order to do more walking with progressive weight bearing.  In about 3 weeks I should be at 100% weight bearing and will be walking with the boot.  A few weeks after this I should be walking on my own and able to begin driving again.  I am very grateful to the friends that are driving me to work, home, appointments, church and the grocery store.   Please continue to PRAY FOR COMPLETE HEALING AND PATIENCE IN THE PROCESS THESE LAST FEW WEEKS.




How might I pray for you, your family and/or your church?


Thank you for your continued partnership in His work.


Bonita Wilson

GIVING – if you would like to make a gift toward salary or ministry needs, please see the info below. Your financial support allows me to continue to be On Mission in Knoxville. THANK YOU!! Financial gifts for support of salary or ministry budget may be sent thru one of the following ways.

On website at https://www.kcab.org/




Knox County Association of Baptists

For Nations & Neighbors

  1. O. Box 11028

Knoxville, TN 37939

March 12, 2022 https://fbcptctwo.org/march-12-2022/ Wed, 06 Apr 2022 21:09:42 +0000 https://fbcptc.org/?p=12981 Hello Friends,

Wanted to send a quick update on a few items.  Thank you for your continued prayers.
1. I saw my surgeon yesterday afternoon.  After x-rays he shared he was very pleased with the progress of healing.  They removed the stitches and put a cast on the foot.  I have to remain NO weight bearing for another 4 weeks.  I am able to use my knee scooter which gives me more mobility. I still cannot drive but I’m glad to be able to get around easier when I am at home or other places. I plan to go back to work this week. I have rides to and from work for this week. Pray for transportation logistics for future weeks.  Thank you for praying and please continue to pray for healing and that I use this time to honor God.
2.  All of our hearts are broken with the evil we see being acted out upon the people of the Ukraine.  Let us be diligent in prayer and other ways that God will lay on your heart and on my heart in the days ahead. Pray without ceasing.
3. When I lived in Southeast Asia I was privileged to visit Myanmar several times.  It is a country that is filled with beautiful people whom our God loves. Just over a year ago Myanmar was in the news with the military taking over the government and the killing of citizens in this beautiful country, The news media has moved on to the next thing but sadly the military government daily raids villages burning them down and killing any residents that have not fled into hiding. It is a great genocide perputated upon innocent citizens by their military government.  I have been hearing and reading stories on this and my heart is breaking for these precious people. The world may have forgotten them but may we not forget the people of Myanmar.  Join me in praying for God to intervene in the evil being carried out against them.  And may we not forget the many other places around the world where evil reigns for now. May we pray for the nations to know Christ and his salvation and peace in the midst of hard times or good times.
Thank you dear friends for partnering together for His glory.
March 1, 2022 https://fbcptctwo.org/march-1-2022/ Tue, 01 Mar 2022 15:14:13 +0000 https://fbcptc.org/?p=12603 Hello Dear Friends and Partners,

I have a few quick updates/prayer requests for you tonight. Thank you for your continued support through prayers, giving and words of encouragement.  It is exciting to watch God at work in the lives of different individuals.

1. It has been a while since I updated you on M & A, refugee friends in Canada.  I have had several chats the last couple of weeks with the parents and children. Overall they are doing well but do have a few requests.  ‘A: had a serious case of COVID and continues with some lingering issues.  PRAY for restoration of full health.  Pray for both parents to be healthy and able to work to support the family.  Yash, the son, is now 16 and in the 9th grade. ‘Anna’ the daughter is 13 and in 7th grade. Remember their years in Thailand the children were not allowed to go to school.  They had limited home school due to a lack of resources for studying. Both children ask for prayers in learning French. The family moved during the Pandemic when they loss their previous jobs.  They now live in a French speaking province and must use only French in classes.  It is very hard but they are working at learning French alongside their other classes. This is either their 3rd or 4th language.

2. Congolese Church – the Pandemic and times are hard for them.  I visited them recently and while the fellowship was good their numbers are down quite a bit. The pastor and leaders want to meet but it will be a few weeks before I can do so with my limited mobility for a while after my surgery.

3. Knoxville is a refugee resettlement city and we are blessed to have people of many nations that God is bringing to our area.  The needs of helping them resettle, adjust to this new culture and language and to share the hope of Christ are great.  Pray for wisdom as I and others seek to help our churches have a heart for these people and to know how to reach them.

4.  TN WMU Annual meeting will be April 1-3.  I am leading the planning for 2 booths in the Exhibit Hall.  One is focused on refugees which is the focus of the entire conference and one is our KCAB booth.  I am taking the lead to coordinate these special booths with the hope to cast vision and share what God is doing.  Pray for our planning and for the time together at the meeting.

5. Pray for a friend and co-worker in the ministry that will have a heart procedure on Monday.  Pray for the many others that are facing issues of health and/or the loss of loved ones in this time.

6. Tomorrow, Thursday-Feb 24, in the afternoon I will have my surgery on my right foot to repair damage due to arthritis and bone spurs. Pray for the team doing the surgery, for my body to respond as it should and heal well and for my friend Luanne who has invited me into heer and her husband’s home and will helping take care of me in these early weeks.  If you know me even a little bit well you know that being still and quiet is not my strength.  Please pray I will do that – Be still and quiet – and hear, respond in the positive about whatever God wants to speak into my life. I will update you as soon as I can after surgery.

7. HIspanic English Language Classes – We are so excited that within a 2 week period God brought us 17 new students.  We are also VERY SHORT in the area of staffing.  We need at least 10 new assistant teachers or language helpers and for childcare workers for our children’s program.  Pray they will all return and become regular students.  Pray for workers! and Pray for hearts open to the gospel and they we can find ways to share so that they truly understand.

I know there are other things happening but for tonight I will leave this with you.  Thank you for lifting each of these up before the Father.

How might I pray for you?  I will have extra time of prayer as I am in a ‘slow down’ session with the foot surgery and recovery.

