The Deacon Ministry exists to co-labor with the Senior Pastor and ministry staff to provide servant leadership to the congregation through service, encouragement, and ministry care for the purpose of presenting every believer fully mature in Christ. As such, the ministry of the deacon is an integral part of the disciple-making team of the church. As individuals called of God, the responsibility of these men is to challenge and influence the church family into deeper intimacy and commitment to Christ by personally engaging the church family at the point of their need.

Understanding this tremendous responsibility toward God and His Church, no man should endeavor to serve as a deacon unless he is willing and able to meet the Biblical and church qualifications of both giftedness and character as set forth in the Scripture in 1 Timothy 3:8-13.  As you review this passage, please remember that a fully qualified deacon is a wonderful asset to the church while an unqualified, uncalled individual within the deacon ministry is a hindrance and possible danger to her.

Our church bylaws state that any man who is nominated must be at least 21 years of age and will have been a member at least one year before beginning their term as deacon in January 2021. Nominations may be submitted by any church member age 14 and over only. While you may nominate as many men as you believe are qualified, we request that any nomination submitted begin in your Life Group with individuals you currently see as actively serving your Life Group.  To be considered, a man must receive at least two (2) nominations. Finally, for a nomination to be considered, each nomination slip must be signed and returned no later than Sunday, August 14.  For your convenience, we have boxes at the Welcome Desk, or in the church office for you to submit your completed nominations.

Please take this opportunity to prayerfully consider those men who meet the biblical ideals and demonstrate the characteristics to serve as deacons in our church.  We are asking you to simply pray. Ask God who He would have you nominate, then trust His leading as He brings Godly men to mind. Included with this letter is a nomination slip on which you may submit your prayerful nominations.

The following men are ineligible for consideration because they are currently serving.

Serving through December 31, 2022

Jason Arp Lynn Fairley Mickey King Mike Phillips Dan Scharlach
Mike Bell Jamie Fowler Chad Newton Barney Poole Tommy Statham
Brandon Conwill Greg Harrell Tom Pape Jonathan Robinson

Serving through December 31, 2023

Doug Barclay Joe Hoyt Chuck Kinney Jim Sebastian Brandon Townsend
Bill Degner Lynn Hume Brad Mate Jeremy Simmons Tom Windham
Wade Gaddy Doug Jones Rick Mendenhall Carlton Spaulding
Bob Gilbert Ken King Steve Rubado Charlie Tingle

Serving through December 31, 2024

Larry Alford Rick Bair Steve Hanes David Thomas
Mike Amosu Matt Burton Jim Hullett Joe Waller
Daniel Arenas Ron Finch Jimmy Kelly Phil Whitmer