Year-end Giving Statements

Coming In Late January

You will be receiving your year-end giving statement shortly before January 31. For those of you with an email address on record at the church, you will receive a secure email with your giving information. For those without an email, printed copies will be mailed to you.

If you should need a printed copy, there will be forms at the Welcome Desk for you to fill out requesting a paper copy.

If you should need a copy of your giving statement before we send them out, you can get the information on Realm.  You must have established your Realm account prior to attempting to log in. If you need another invitation to join Realm, please contact John Shaw.

Once you receive your statement, if you have any questions, please contact Carol Vaughn by email or by calling (770) 487-8133 ext 1207.

Thank you for your faithfulness in giving over the year.

Pastor Lynn