Explore FBC Peachtree City’s commitment to local and global missions at Engage 2023!

AUGUST 20 – 27

As we gear up to Live Bolder in 2023-24, come and discover opportunities to live on mission where we live, work and play.

Check out the event schedule below and get involved! Get ready to Engage.

August 20 – 26 | 12 PM

Jericho Walk

Join us for a time of intentional prayer for our church family. Just like the Israelites marched around Jericho, we will walk through the neighborhood beside our church for seven consecutive days. We will prayer walk one lap daily around the neighborhood from August 20-25. Then, on August 26, we will do seven laps as we pray that we can be salt and light in our community and around the world. To participate, meet under the front portico at NOON each day. Golf carts will be available for those needing assistance.

Wednesday, August 23 | 6 PM

Shower the Tree Prayer Walk

Six years ago, we committed to Engage in our community right here in Peachtree City. We call this Shower the Tree. Each Life Group partners with a local organization to provide love and support for those who serve Peachtree City. We partner with the city, schools, police department and fire and rescue to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Join a group at one of the locations below as we intentionally pray over our city and those who serve it.

We will meet at the following locations at 6PM.

Peachtree City Police Department, Peachtree City Fire Department, Peachtree City Hall, Crabapple Lane Elementary, Kedron Elementary, Peachtree City Elementary, Huddleston Elementary, Booth Middle School, and McIntosh High School.

August 24 – 26 | 8 – 9 AM

Pancakes with Partners

Let us take care of breakfast while you learn more about how FBC Peachtree City engages in our community. Indulge in a big stack of pancakes while Pastor Mark leads a panel discussion where you will hear captivating stories from some of our missions partners. Join us on August 24, 25 and 26 at 8AM in the Fellowship Hall to learn how you can support our partners in their important work.

Saturday, August 26 | 9 – 11 AM | 2 – 4 PM

Saturate Peachtree City

Help us Saturate Peachtree City with the good news of Jesus while inviting neighbors to our church. There are two opportunities to serve on Saturday, August 26, from 9-11 and from 2-4. This activity will involve hanging bags of information about our church on the front door of the houses.

Saturday, August 26 | 6:30 PM

Festival of Nations

Get ready for an unforgettable evening of cultural celebration and international talent as we proudly present the 3rd Annual Festival of Nations! Witness a community extravaganza like no other with singing, dancing, and musical performances featuring the rich cultural diversity within our community and inside our own church family. These vibrant performances will touch your heart, inspire your spirit, and leave you with unforgettable memories. Bring your friends, family, and neighbors to be part of this joyous occasion on August 26, starting at 6:30PM in our Worship Center. After the program, there will be a reception in the Fellowship Hall!

Sunday, August 27 | 9:30 and 11 a.m.

Engage Sunday

Be sure to join us for services on Sunday, August 27, as we wrap up our Engage missions celebration. In the final message of the series, Pastor Joey will challenge us to Live Bolder by Living Commissioned. God calls us to be His hands, feet and voice in a world that needs His truth. He sends us into this world to be ambassadors of Christ commissioned with the ministry of reconciliation. The McIntosh High School Varsity Football, Volleyball and Softball teams will join us in worship during our 11AM service. Other invited guests from our schools and city will also be in attendance.

Mary Maude Heistand Church Planting Offering

FBC Peachtree City is committed to furthering the Gospel by enabling other churches to be successful. Whether it is a new church plant, re-planting or helping to revitalizing struggling churches, we want to be a part of strengthening God’s church. At our 50th Anniversary, we set a goal to raise $50,000 annually to support this effort through the Mary Maude Heistand Church Planting Fund. Our church was started as a church plant from FBC Fayetteville and we want to pay-it-forward by building strong churches that are on mission for Jesus where they live, work, and play. If you would like to contribute, please visit our online giving portal.