On a Journey 4/17/2022

Happy Easter! I pray that you have had a great celebration of our Lord’s Resurrection.  I was able to participate in a wonderful Good Friday service at my church and then a day of celebration today.  Both have challenged me in my gratefulness of the great price that Christ paid in my place so that […]

March 12, 2022

Hello Friends, Wanted to send a quick update on a few items.  Thank you for your continued prayers. 1. I saw my surgeon yesterday afternoon.  After x-rays he shared he was very pleased with the progress of healing.  They removed the stitches and put a cast on the foot.  I have to remain NO weight […]

March 1, 2022

Hello Dear Friends and Partners, I have a few quick updates/prayer requests for you tonight. Thank you for your continued support through prayers, giving and words of encouragement.  It is exciting to watch God at work in the lives of different individuals. 1. It has been a while since I updated you on M & A, […]