9:30am Service
Full Preschool Worship Experience

11:00am Service
Full Preschool Worship Experience


9:30am Service
Children’s Elementary Small Groups

11:00am Service
Children’s Elementary Large Group




Life Group Leaders serve each Sunday at 9:45 in an age-graded classrooms. Their primary responsibility is to prepare the Bible lesson using the provided curriculum and teach the Word in a way that engages and connects to the children. Life Group Leaders will be teaching the same age group each week, so it is important to build strong relationships with the children and be intentional about reaching out to parents, because the bond that is formed between life group leaders and their children can make a lifetime of difference.


Large group leaders lead the Preschool and/or Children’s Worship Experience during the 11:00 hour. Using the providing scripts and programming pieces, the Large Group Leaders will lead in worship, large group interaction, games and short teaching/application times for the lesson that will provide the launch point of the lesson before the kids go into their small group time.


Small group leaders serve in the Preschool and or/Children’s Worship Experience during the 11:00 hour. After the large group time, the children will break out into smaller groups for discussion, application, and activities. The Small Group Leader will lead in these prepared activities to help the children apply the Bible lesson to their lives in memorable and meaningful


Weekly directors lead by supervising the programming elements of Sunday mornings. Directors will welcome new families and connect them with the proper places, make sure teachers have all the supplies needed for the day’s activities, coordinate the timing of transitions, monitor hallways, and make sure all safety and security procedures are being followed. Directors serve either during the 9:45 or 11:00 hours.


Greeters are the first point of contact with our families each Sunday morning. Greeters make sure that our families get checked into our security system properly, welcome and register new families, connect new families to the directors, and make sure all safety and security procedures are followed, especially during drop-off and pick-up times.


The tech team takes care of audio, video and lighting needs for our Children’s and Preschool Worship experiences during the 11:00 hour. Because the Children’s and Preschool times are staggered, the tech team can run all technology pieces for both experiences by committing to serve either weekly or on a rotation basis.

Presichool & Children Reveal Prayer Guide

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