March 12, 2022

Hello Friends,

Wanted to send a quick update on a few items.  Thank you for your continued prayers.
1. I saw my surgeon yesterday afternoon.  After x-rays he shared he was very pleased with the progress of healing.  They removed the stitches and put a cast on the foot.  I have to remain NO weight bearing for another 4 weeks.  I am able to use my knee scooter which gives me more mobility. I still cannot drive but I’m glad to be able to get around easier when I am at home or other places. I plan to go back to work this week. I have rides to and from work for this week. Pray for transportation logistics for future weeks.  Thank you for praying and please continue to pray for healing and that I use this time to honor God.
2.  All of our hearts are broken with the evil we see being acted out upon the people of the Ukraine.  Let us be diligent in prayer and other ways that God will lay on your heart and on my heart in the days ahead. Pray without ceasing.
3. When I lived in Southeast Asia I was privileged to visit Myanmar several times.  It is a country that is filled with beautiful people whom our God loves. Just over a year ago Myanmar was in the news with the military taking over the government and the killing of citizens in this beautiful country, The news media has moved on to the next thing but sadly the military government daily raids villages burning them down and killing any residents that have not fled into hiding. It is a great genocide perputated upon innocent citizens by their military government.  I have been hearing and reading stories on this and my heart is breaking for these precious people. The world may have forgotten them but may we not forget the people of Myanmar.  Join me in praying for God to intervene in the evil being carried out against them.  And may we not forget the many other places around the world where evil reigns for now. May we pray for the nations to know Christ and his salvation and peace in the midst of hard times or good times.
Thank you dear friends for partnering together for His glory.