Pastor Joey Update

Church family,

The Scriptures teach us that the Lord is our rock and our refuge – and an ever-present help in times of need. And certainly, in times of uncertainty, He is the One in whom we find our help.

Over the past week, our nation and world have experienced an unprecedented event that is directly impacting our daily lives. Even as I write, President Trump is declaring a national emergency making requests of our nation in order curb the effects of the impact of COVID-19.

Needless to say, this has been a fluid situation. We have been hopeful throughout the week that we could keep things as normal as possible, but just in the past 24 hours, things have changed significantly. These changes have caused us to reconsider how we need to move forward as a church in order to best care for our congregation and the community around us.

After consulting with the extended leadership of our church – including our Ministry Advisory Counsel, our deacons and trustees, and our Senior Leadership Team, we believe the most prudent thing to do is cancel on-campus services this Sunday, March 15th and move them online at The online feed will begin at 10:30 AM and will include a time of prayer, worship, and instruction.

At this time, we are planning to hold services online for the next two Sundays. We are also working with our LIFE Group leaders and deacons to ensure the care of all of our church members. You should anticipate a phone call from your LIFE Group to stay in close communication with you and your family.  Likewise, we ask that if you have any personal, financial, or physical needs which arise over these two weeks, please contact your LIFE Group leader or deacon for assistance. In extreme cases, please contact the Pastor-on-Call by calling the church at 770-487-8133.

In closing, let me remind all of us of Paul’s encouragement to Timothy:

God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, love, and discipline.

God bless you. I look forward to sharing a word of encouragement with you online on Sunday.