As a church, our mission is to make, mature, mobilize and multiply disciples of Jesus Christ who will reproduce and replicate as disciple makers. This strategy has been the hallmark for the Church since the very beginning when Jesus launched His disciples into the nations. He commanded them to make disciples of all nations and teach them to obey everything that He taught. As the Church began to multiply, they were persecuted out of their city and into the surrounding cities, and then into other countries around the world.

For most of the Church’s history, small groups have been the way churches met and ministered. Small groups continue to be the most impactful way a church ministers to the body of Christ and to their local community. At FBCPTC, we want everything we do to flow out of our small groups. That simply means that all of our ministry and mission originate from not one individual but the corporate body of believers who partner together in biblical community.

Small groups come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some groups are large with a teacher, students and curriculum they study together each week. Other groups are small and use a relational, discussion-based format that is more informal. While we know groups are going to emphasize one thing over another and their size or location will vary, the main purpose of every small group is the life transformation of the people in the group. That life transformation means they are becoming more like Jesus Christ (Col. 1:28), cared for in His love by the group (Rom. 12:3-12) and challenged to be on mission as a reproducing disciple maker (2 Tim. 2:2).

We have  several opportunities for you to connect in a small group setting.


  • Pre-school and Children’s ministries meet during the  9:30 a.m and 11:00 a.m. services.
  • Adult Life Groups meet during the  9:30 a.m and 11:00 a.m. services.
  • Student life groups meet at The Bridge at 9:30 a.m. Students will meet on Wednesday nights at 6:00 p.m at The Bridge.


50+ Hume LG Lynn Hume RM 510 Sun. @ 8:30 AM


Multi Gen Deaf Ministry LG Barb Coffan RM 511 Sun. @ 9:30 AM
35 – 50 Harrelson LG Alan & Janet Harrelson RM 808/809 Sun. @ 9:30 AM
Multi Gen International LG Ken King/Avery Sayer RM 508 Sun. @ 9:30 AM
Multi Gen Matson Mark Matson RM 506 Sun. @ 9:30 AM
Multi Gen Outlaw LG Wayne & Alycia Outlaw RM Meeting Place Sun. @ 9:30 AM
Multi Gen Grace LG Greg & Connie Brezina RM 510 Sun. @ 9:30 AM
30 – 40 Robinson LG Jonathan & Audrey Robinson RM 503 Sun. @ 9:30 AM
70+ Roysden LG Daniel Roysden RM Upper Room Sun. @ 9:30 AM
70+ Stiles LG Dottie Stiles RM 504 Sun. @ 9:30 AM
50+ Thornley/Strain LG Mark Thornley/Dan Strain RM 507 Sun. @ 9:30 AM
Multi Gen Troth LG Brad Troth RM 801 Sun. @ 9:30 AM
25+ Young Married LG Steve Rubado RM 509 Sun. @ 9:30 AM


Multi Gen Agape LG Mike Bell RM 808/809 Sun. @ 11:00 AM
60+ Elliott LG Bill Elliott RM 510 Sun. @ 11:00 AM
60+ Foster LG Noel Foster RM Meeting Place Sun. @ 11:00 AM
50+ Gaddy LG Wade Gaddy RM 503 Sun. @ 11:00 AM
30+ Young Married LG Joseph & Krissy Hoyt RM 803 Sun. @ 11:00 PM
50+ Roll LG Bill & Hazel Roll RM 509 Sun. @ 11:00 AM
25+ Young Proffesions Tom Coffan RM 507 Sun. @ 11:00 AM
18 – 25 College & Young Adults Jennings\Conwills RM 509 Sun. @ 11:00 AM


6th – 7th a MS Lifegroup Arp/Rogers Bridge RM 902 Sun. @ 9:30 AM
6th – 7th b MS Lifegroup Rue/Haas/Peters Bridge RM 906 Sun. @ 9:30 AM
8th MS Lifegroup Olson/Wofford Bridge RM 925 Sun. @ 9:30 AM
9th HS Lifegroup Strandburg/Taylor Bridge RM 904 Sun. @ 9:30 AM
10th HS Lifegroup Mayfields/Lenderman Bridge RM 913 Sun. @ 9:30 AM
11th – 12th HS Lifegroup Roberts/Wallings/Souder Bridge RM 913 Sun. @ 9:30 AM


Preschool Full worship experience Various Rooms Sun. @ 9:30 AM
Children Graded Lifegroups Various Rooms Sun. @ 9:30 AM


Preschool Full worship experience Various Rooms Sun. @ 11:00 AM
Children Large group worship Various Rooms Sun. @ 11:00 AM


Multi Gen Brezina LG Ben & Ann Marie Brezina E. Coweta Sharpsburg Wed. @ 5:00 PM
Multi Gen Smith/King LG Smith/King (2nd & 4th Fri.) Aberdeen/Glenloch Fri. @ 6:30 PM
Multi Gen Weaver LG Curtis & Sally Weaver Senoia Mon. @ 6:30 PM


6th – 12th Small group time Boys and Girls Bible study Wed. 5:15 to 6:15 PM
6th – 12th Large group time Game time/worship/message Bridge Gameroom Wed. @ 6:30 PM


Multi Gen ESL Pat King Contact Pat King
Multi Gen ASL Sabrina Frasier
Contact Sabrina Frasier
Multi Gen Griefshare Ron Purvis Contact Ron Purvis
Multi Gen Chinese Bible Fellowship Myra Sayer Contact Myra
Multi Gen Men’s Grow Groups
Multi Gen Women’s Grow Groups Sara Yeager Various locations and times
Multi Gen Women’s Meet N Eat Groups Becky Wood Various locations and times