The Book of John_Day 8

Who you know matters more than what you know

Read – John 8

When religious leaders bring an adulterous woman to Jesus for judgment, it becomes a lesson in not judging others. Jesus goes on to explain He is the eternal Son of God and they are illegitimate children.

Using the name God gave Himself in Exodus 3:14, Jesus makes an audacious claim: “Before Abraham was, I am” (John 8:58)! Jewish leaders heard this statement and became so angry they wanted Jesus dead. The Pharisees were considered the ultimate authority on God’s Word by the nation of Israel and had an incredible knowledge of the Scriptures. Jesus brushed off their personal attacks and reminded the Jewish leaders that they may know the Scripture but they do not know God.

“‘Very truly I tell you,’ Jesus answered, ‘before Abraham was born, I am’” (John 8:58)!

What a dangerous place to be — to know the Bible cover to cover yet not know God. In John 8, the Jewish leaders knew enough of the Bible to debate Jesus but failed to apply it to their lives. Reading and applying the Bible should always point us to Jesus. Knowing Jesus is more important than knowing Scripture.

When we know Scripture and apply it, we look like Jesus at the beginning of chapter 8. We shield the helpless, forgive the sinful, offer hope in hopeless situations, and rebuke self-righteousness. When Scripture is applied, it points us to Jesus instead of preparing us for debate.

While reading your Bible today and over the next few weeks, begin your time by asking God to meet with you and allow you to know Him, not just His words.