What is Unleashed?

The mission of our church is to make, mature, and mobilize disciples. As a part of this purpose, we whole-heartedly believe that every follower of Christ is called to grow in the area of stewardship to be ‘unleashed’ personally into the harvest. The key to being unleashed is relieved of unnecessary obstacles (see Hebrews 12:1-2). The leadership of our church is convinced this is the time we should also take action to become ‘unleashed’ from the hindrance of debt so that we can ‘unleash’ these resources into the Kingdom of God for the spreading of the Gospel.

During the early 2000’s a Long Range Planning Team (Vision Team) was formed to seek God’s direction as we planned for future growth and ministry. In 2002 the church approved a comprehensive report from the Vision Team that included the construction of a community family center. This led to a capital campaign to raise funds to build “The Bridge” as well as make various improvements to the church campus. Some of the improvements included demolition of the Fulton apartments to provide much needed additional parking across the street, expanding and modernizing the nursery, preschool, and children areas, converting the Annex to the Healing Bridge Clinic, as well as numerous other upgrades. The construction and renovations were completed in two phases and were funded in part by the “Because We Care” campaign. The total cost of the projects was $7.4 million. A large portion of this amount was financed and, as you may have noticed in the church bulletin, our church still owes approximately $3.3 million.

Over the last couple of years, a number of members, as well as the Finance Committee, expressed concern over the amount of debt still owed and the impact it had on possible ministry opportunities. We pay a little over $300,000 per year to the bank to service this debt. Questions were raised as to what our church could do if we were not burdened by this debt. As a result, our Finance Committee selected Ekklesia Essentials to assist us in eliminating our debt and freeing us to do more for the sake of the Gospel. In addition, a Capital Stewardship Team was selected and commissioned to lead us in this effort. Some of the team have joined our fellowship after the construction was completed, while others have been members for most, if not all, of our church building programs.

Our team decided to call our campaign “UNLEASHED” to be descriptive of what our church can do if “unleashed” from our debt and freed to accomplish God’s will for our church body. So we are asking you to join us on a spiritual journey as we are challenged to learn God’s best principles of stewardship so that we can apply them to our lives personally. As a result, we believe God will ‘unleash’ us and our church fellowship for the sake of the glory of Christ.


What is our Goal?

Unleashed Illustration

Roy and Betty Kilgore Testimonial

Darlene LaBine Testimonial

Lynn & Shirley Fairley Testimonial

Kay Carroll Testimonial

Dick Boley Testimonial

Jorge Raphael Testimonial

Michael & Bertha Amosu Testimonial

Noah King Testimonial

Alex Walling Testimonial

November 2020 Update

August 2020 Update

Mary Maud Hiestand Testimonial

Audrey Robinson Testimonial

Abby McMichen Testimonial

Rhoda Green Testimonial

Theresa Dickens Testimonial

Cindi Smith Testimonial

Dana Pierce Testimonial

Ken & Yurapan King Testimonial

Jennifer Souders Testimonial

Questions & Answers

Unleashed is the name our Capital Campaign Team chose as a charge to our church to release ourselves from our current indebtedness so that we might be able to better leverage Kingdom resources to impact our world for the glory of God.

Understanding that the vision of the FBCPTC is to “make, mature and mobilize authentic followers of Christ,” the Unleashed Committee, along with the members of the church, desire that our focus be on Great Commission causes and not debt repayment. We desire to be faithful to Biblical stewardship and to get excited about what our congregation can do for God’s glory. Currently, we pay $303,108 per year to a bank instead of to Kingdom causes. Our loan has a balloon payment that is due in August of 2020 that, if not paid off, will have to be re-financed, resulting in additional fees and costs and continual monthly payments.

As of July 8, 2017, the debt balance is $3,248,059 with a monthly payment of $25,259.
As of August 9, 2018 the debt balance is now $2,201,553.99

The church received and approved the Vision Team’s comprehensive report in 2002 outlining a bold strategy allowing the church to further its ministry outreach. The result involved major renovations and improvements to the main campus and the construction of The Bridge – a major outreach initiative to the community. In 2006, the church stepped out in faith by voting to approve the Master Development Plan and begin construction. Funding came from the “Because We Care” building program and cash gifts. The remaining balance was paid by our current loan.

Over $4.5 million was used to construct the Bridge.
Over $1.5 million was used for renovations to the main campus and sanctuary.
Over $760,000 was used for furnishings, fixtures, and audio/visual equipment.
Over $286,000 was used for architecture fees and surveys.
Over $63,000 was used for the Fulton apartment demolition and parking lot construction.
Over $75,000 was used for renovations/relocations of Annex (Healing Bridge Clinic), library, and offices.

Yes. Tim Guthrie of Ekklesia Essentials. The Finance Committee chose Ekklesia Essentials after interviewing several consulting firms. The firm was founded by pastors who believed that capital campaigns should be an impetus for spiritual growth and discipleship. You can learn more about Ekklesia Essentials at www.ekklesiaessentials.org.

Joey and Emily Christ, Lynn and Shirley Fairley, Steve (Chairman) and Judy Gagliano, Steve and Nancy Hanes, Preston (Vice-chairman) and Denby Heard, Roy and Betty Kilgore, Mike and Anne Phillips, Dale and Jennifer Rinkenberger, Tommy and Amanda Statham, and Gary and Becky Wood.

Go to the church’s website – www.fbcptc.org/unleashed or talk to our Unleashed Committee members.

August 27 is the official launch date of our three year Unleashed program. Our desire is more than paying off a debt but focusing on our responsibilities of stewardship. This spiritual journey began over the summer with an emphasis on prayer through weekly prayer cards. On Sunday, August 27, every FBCPTC family will prayerfully consider how much to give over this three year period and will have the opportunity to give their card during the worship service.

The amount determined is between you and the Lord. All monies designated for Unleashed will go to debt retirement. So why a card? It allows for accountability and acts as a statement of faith.

Your Unleashed information will be totally confidential. The only people who will know your commitment amount and giving information will be the finance office. None of the pastors, deacons or other members will know any of your information.

Your commitment to the Unleashed focus is in addition to your regular tithes and offerings that support the ongoing ministries and missions of FBCPTC.

Yes. This is a spiritual journey even as much as it is a campaign to reduce the debt. As you pray and sense God’s leadership to change, you can revise the amount you had committed to give.

Yes. If you would like to contribute stocks or bonds as your commitment, the church will accept it. The church will immediately transfer the assets to cash. If you desire to make your contribution in real estate or personal property, we prefer you sell these items first and then contribute the proceeds.

You can give-weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually, or in a one-time gift. You can give by cash, check or on-line. If you give on-line go to the www.fbcptc.org website, select the “Give” tab and then establish a user name and password (if not previously set up) and follow prompts. E-giving allows you to set up recurring payments as well as viewing giving history. You can use this for your tithe giving as well.

Our current loan has a balloon payment due on June 12, 2020 in the amount of $2,708,059.01. If we were not able to pay off the loan, it would have to be re-financed with new fees and a potentially higher interest rate resulting in years more of monthly payments and interest.

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Capital Stewardship Team

Joey and Emily Christ
Lynn and Shirley Fairley
Steve (CHAIR) and Judy Gagliano
Steve and Nancy Hanes
Preston (VICE-CHAIR) and Denby Heard
Roy and Betty Kilgore
Mike and Anne Phillips
Dale and Jennifer Rinkenberger
Tommy and Amanda Statham
Gary and Becky Wood